Home > Guides > Genshin Impact: Where to Find Crimson Agate (All Locations)

Genshin Impact: Where to Find Crimson Agate (All Locations)


As with Mondstadt and Liuye, Dragonspine has its own elemental oculi called Crimson Agate. Unlike the other two regions, however, you’ll need to offer them to the Frostbearing Tree, and recieve some pretty nifty rewards in return.

In this guide, we’ll cover the locations of all 120 Crimson Agate, and why you’d even want to search for them.

Where to find Crimson Agate in Genshin Impact

Just as with Anemoculus and Geoculus, you can find Crimson Agate all over Dragonspine, as well as in some chests. A total of 80 of them that can be found in the wild, but the ones located in chests aren’t marked on your minimap.

Location of Crimson Agate in Genshin Impact
Source: Teyvat Interactive Map, MiHoYo

I’d suggest marking these locations on your map with some pins, even if you’ve already found the majority of them. If you’re having trouble scaling the mountain or keeping warm enough, try jumping from the mountain’s peak and gliding your way down to the mountain’s base. It’s quicker than climbing, at least.

What are Crimson Wishes in Genshin Impact?

If you haven’t already noticed, the Frostbearing Tree, to which you offer your Crimson Agate, has 12 levels, each of which requires 10 Crimson Agate. The question now is: how do you find the remaining 40?

The answer is the Crimson Wish system, which you unlock by raising the Frostbearing Tree to level 8. Crimson Wishes are similar to Daily Commisions, but reset every Monday and Friday instead of daily. You’ll get 5 of them after every reset, and the tasks include everything from clearing out camps to completing trials of some kind.

Completing a Crimson Wish will reward you with a single Crimson Agate, so you’ll need a month to unlock the final level and its rewards.

What are the rewards?

Each of the 12 levels of the Frostbearing Tree will reward you with Mora, some Mystic Enhancement Ore, and a third, unique reward. The first, second, and fifth level will net you a total of 5 Acquaint Fates, and the sixth will give you 2 Intertwined Fates, making them great for F2P players.

Source: Pro Game Guides

Apart from some wishes, you’ll also unlock some sweet cosmetics, a polearm billet, a Crown of Insight, and the blueprint for the Frostbearer catalyst. Even though collecting them is tedious, Crimson Agates are more than worth your while.

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Was told he would never be paid to play video games. Hoping for the return of pre-rework Mordekaiser. Enthusiasticly despises Inaros and all who defend him.