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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Post Launch Plans Revealed


Ubisoft has released a detailed trailer regarding the post launch plans for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. So watch the trailer below and let’s talk about it!

Season Pass

If you bought the Deluxe Edition or Ultimate Edition of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV), you will also have access to the season pass which contains 2 brand new expansions as well as a new bonus mission.

Wrath of The Druids

In the first expansion for ACV, Wrath of The Druids, “explore the haunted wilds and beautiful landscapes of Ireland as you battle a druidic cult known as the Children of Danu. Conquer ring forts, master the art of smuggling, and gain the favor of Gaelic kings in a new open-world adventure.” You will also find out who the members of the Children of Danu cult are and then hunt them down and fight them. Players will also be able to influence the trading systems of Dublin which, at the time, was “a buzzling trading metropolis.” Jose Araiza, Post Launch Producer on ACV, also states “On top of all the majestic locations that the expansion will feature in Ireland, the highlight here really is for the players that are more interested in the Celtic, the Druids, and the darker tones that really add to the mysterious feeling of the expansion.” I see a lot of potential in this expansion and I’m glad to see that Ubisoft is leaning into the darker tones of the game rather than away from it to try and go for a lighter game, I think this is a title that really needs to use those darker tones to its advantage. Wrath of The Druids releases in Spring 2021 as the first expansion of the ACV Season Pass.

The Siege of Paris

“Sail to the kingdom of Francia and engage the forces of Charles the Fat as you participate in the Vikings’ most daring conquest. Infiltrate the city of Paris, forge new alliances within its walls, and strike a blow that will shatter an empire.” The Siege of Paris is one of the most recognizable events in Viking history as a Danish chieftain named “Reginherus” or Ragnar led a fleet of 120 Danish Viking ships in March of 845 to Paris as a way to honor the Norse god Odin as well as “to incite terror in the remaining Frankish forces.” This is bound to be a huge expansion to the game and will hopefully depict a historically (semi)-accurate version of The Siege of Paris.

The Legend of Beowulf

Credit: Ubisoft

Beowulf is an Old English poem written around the dates of 700-1000 (it is unknown the exact date it was created). The poem centers around Beowulf, hero of the Geats, who was a fierce warrior that came to the aid of the king of the Danes, Hrothgar with the goal of protecting Hrothgar’s mead hall in Herot from a beast they have named “Grendel.” Beowulf baits Grendel to the mead hall, outsmarting him, and slaying the beast. He then kills Grendel’s mother after she attacks the Geats out of hatred and vengeance for her now-deceased son. The Geats celebrate Beowulf’s victories and award him riches aplenty. Fifty years pass and Beowulf goes off to fight a dragon, the dragon is killed, but Beowulf is mortally wounded. As he lays dying, his last wish is to have a tower erected in his memory. From the ACV Post Launch page, it looks like players will be hunting down only one of the three iconic Beowulf antagonists, Grendel. “A mysterious beast is ravaging the English countryside, leaving telltale streaks of mold on its victims. Track the creature and discover the hidden story behind England’s first great epic.” This is actually a really cool addition to the game, especially for fans of the Old English epic (as I am). I’m excited to see if they stick mostly to the original poem or what kind of original Assassin’s Creed spin that Ubisoft will add to the Legend of Beowulf. The Siege of Paris expansion will release in Summer 2021.

Free Seasonal Content

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will also include 4 pieces of content that will be free to all players regardless of the edition purchased (Standard/Deluxe/Ultimate).

  • Free Content 1 (End of 2020)
  • Free Content 2 (Spring 2021)
  • Free Content 3 (Summer 2021)
  • Free Content 4 (Fall 2021)

Free Content 1 coming at the end of 2020 will kick off the Yule Festival, which is essentially the Viking celebration of Christmas. There are also new game modes that will come to ACV such as the River Raid. River Raid “capitalizes on the core fantasy of the raiding mechanic in the main game, injects much more risk and reward within a different context, and also capitalizes a lot on a feature dear to us which is the jumps viking. Players are able to actually hire jumps viking from their friends online and take on an entire crew.” This seems like an exciting feature and I can’t wait to try it out when it comes out.

That’s all we got from the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Post Launch & Season Pass Trailer, what did you think of it? Are you excited for the future of the game? Personally, I can’t wait to jump in and hunt down Grendel myself. Let us know in the comments what you’re most excited for!

Related: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Launching On Xbox Game Pass?

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