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Escape From Tarkov: How to Tell Scav from PMC

How To Tell Scav from PMC

In Escape from Tarkov, there are two main factions: Scavs and PMC. However, it can be hard to tell the difference between the two groups, especially when you’re new. So let us assist you by breaking down their main differences!

What are Scav and PMC in Escape From Tarkov?

Before we move on, let’s first see what the Scav and PMC factions are in Escape From Tarkov.

Scav (Scavengers) is one of the major factions in this game, and in most cases, they are bots. You face off against this faction when playing PMC Raids. According to the lore, they are described as “civilians, gang members, and other miscreants who have taken up arms to carve out a niche for themselves in the war-torn Tarkov.”

Scav and PMC factions in Escape From Tarkov.

Scavengers are at a disadvantage when it comes to weaponry and training, but their numbers make up for this deficiency.

PMCs are for-profit private military companies hired by various organizations. USEC (United Security) is a PMC hired by Terra Group Labs as personal security. BEAR (Battle Encounter Assault Regiment) is a private army hired by the Russian Government to destroy the Terra Group Labs.

When choosing a faction, players will have the option of joining Scavs or PMC (USEC or Bear).

How to Tell Scav From PMC in Escape From Tarkov?

There are several ways to tell the difference between Scavs and PMCs. Some of them are obvious, while others can be more subtle. But You won’t have much time to look for details to tell the difference between Scavs and PMCs. That is why it’s crucial to know what to look for – and to do it as quickly as possible.

PMC are Always Real Players, Scavs Aren’t

The most straightforward way to differentiate between factions is that only real players play with them, while Scavs can also be bots. However, there are circumstances where players will spawn as Scavs in order to balance the powers.

Escape From Tarkov AI Scavs.

Behavior of AI Scavs Compared to Behavior of Human Players

Without a doubt, AI bots have significantly improved over the last couple of years. Nowadays, bots are designed to replicate real players’ behavior as realistically as possible. Still, they are far from perfect, and they still aren’t capable of fully replicating the human players.

So if you observe, you’ll notice that the behavior of real players in Escape From Tarkov simply feels more humanistic.

Escape From Tarkov human-controlled players.

For example, player-controlled Scavengers will often shoot each other over valuable loot, even though they’re on the same team. On the other hand, AI-controlled Scavengers will shoot you on sight if they see you. Human players, on the other hand, may be hesitant to do so because they don’t want to take unnecessary risks.

Particular Sounds That Scavs Make

It is important to pay attention to the sounds and voices around you in Escape From Tarkov, especially when trying to determine who is Scav and who is PMC. For instance, AI Scavs will make a particular sound once they start sprinting—a noise that resembles someone dragging their feet.

While most players, especially the experienced ones, will try to make as little sound as possible and avoid risking their lives, AI isn’t that smart. This often leads to AI suddenly stopping sprinting—attracting attention to itself.

Voices That Scavs Make

A very obvious detail that you can use to distinguish AI Scav from PMC easily is that Scav will always shout something in Russian before firing, so you can immediately know who exactly is shooting at you.

Keep in mind, however, that a human-controlled Scav may use this to appear as an AI-bot player by using the microphone to shout in Russian—giving you the impression that it was an AI bot player that attacked you.

PMC and Scav Clothes

When you glance at a player from afar, it’s hard to tell whether he’s a Scav or a PMC contractor based solely on his outfit. However, if you look for logos and observe whether the player has the USEC or BEAR insignia on his clothes, you can usually tell who your enemy or a fellow fighter is.

Escape From Tarkov PMC outfit.

Also, note that PMC players will usually wear full gear, while Scavs usually carry only what they need to survive in their hostile environment. This doesn’t apply to Scav raiders which you may stumble upon in a few areas, who have full equipment.

AI-Controlled Scavs Only Appear In Specific Zones of Escape From Tarkov

While human-controlled Scavs or PMC may roam freely throughout the entire map, AI-controlled Scavs will stick to their assigned patrol route. They are also unable to leave that particular zone and will not shoot at PMCs unless provoked.

Escape From Tarkov map.

So if you ever find yourself confused about whether a character is Scav or PMC in Escape From Tarkov, note that the more you play this game, the easier it will become to distinguish between Scav and PMC. Remember always to pay attention because if you make a wrong assumption, you can die before you know it.

If you end up in a firefight you need to have the best gear possible. And that includes armor, guns, and ammo:

Escape From Tarkov: 7 Best Armor Pieces | Best Ammo in Escape From Tarkov | Escape From Tarkov: 10 Best Weapons

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Based in Novi Sad, Serbia, Marko Kulundzic is a guides writer at Gamezo. Other than being a huge fan of video games, he also enjoys art, music, skateboarding, and spending time in nature.