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Grounded How to Repair Weapons

Grounded: How to Repair Weapons - repair option.

In Grounded, figuring out how to repair weapons is actually somewhat challenging. Grounded does anything but hold the player’s hand in a lot of ways, including how the weapon and crafting systems work.

There are a ton of different workstations for you to build and keep track of, so it’s natural that most people would think repairing their weapons in Grounded is tied to something like the Smithing Station. It isn’t, though. Repairing weapons in Grounded exists as its own simple system.

We’re going to explain how to repair your weapons in Grounded below. It really is a simple process – far simpler than you might expect.

How to Repair Weapons in Grounded

Grounded: How to Repair Weapons - Repair menu.
Image via Xbox Games Studio

Repairing weapons in Grounded is super simple. You don’t need to build any equipment or workstations to do it – all you need is the items required to repair your weapon.

Open up your inventory and find the weapon you’re looking to repair. You’ll need to locate it in your inventory itself and not on your Hotbar. Highlight the weapon and either right-click it on PC or press your trigger on Xbox. Doing so will open up a small sub-menu. Look down that menu and you should see the option to repair.

Clicking on this repair option will open up a prompt on-screen that will display what resources, and how many resources, you need to repair your weapon of choice. The higher the tier of your weapons and tools, the more expensive the resource requirement will be.

It’s worth noting that regardless of how worn-down your item is, the repair cost will be the same. So, you’re better off waiting until it’s fully depleted to repair it. Otherwise, you’ll just be wasting resources.

The game isn’t overtly explicit on how to repair your weapons. Once you do figure it out, though, it’s literally just a matter of collecting a few resources and pressing a few buttons.

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Based in Dublin, Ireland, Eoin is a Guides Writer at Gamzo. With an extensive experience in Esports - he brings a tactical and analytical approach to every game he covers.