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Gundam Evolution: Early Release Tier List

Gundam Evolution Gundam Exia

Players are already enjoying all of the characters in Gundam Evolution. The best picks for this game have already been noticed for the initial version of this game. Here’s our tier list of the best of the best mobile suits to play in early release Gundam Evolution.

The Tier List So Far

Gundam Evolution currently has 16 playable Mobile Suits in the game. Each suit offers its own specialty and role to each team they’re used in. However, some suits just fit in more teams better than the rest regardless of the team compositions.

Here is our tier list for the best picks in this Gundam Evolution according to general strength and synergy:

  • SS Tier: Gundam Unicorn
  • S Tier: Marasai(UC), Zaku II (Melee), Gundam Exia, Gundam Barbatos, Methuss, GM Sniper II
  • A Tier: Pale Rider, Asshimar, Gundam, DOM Trooper, Turn A Gundam, Sazabi, GM, Zaku II (Ranged)
  • B Tier: Mahiroo

Why Gundam Unicorn Is The Best

Screenshot by Gamezo

This Mobile Suit is currently a powerhouse of overall utility in Gundam Evolution matches. This unit is a Support mobile suit that can repair allies and provide Armor health as long they’re near Gundam Unicorn. So far, this character is a source of consistent healing which makes it a must to improve team survivability in teamfights.

However, this unit isn’t just for healing as Gundam Unicorn is also a capable fighter due to its weapon. This support unit’s weapon is Beam Gatling an LMG that carries enough bullets to stand toe-to-toe with any mobile suit coming its way.

Gundam Unicorn’s whole package brings so much to any team that effective use of this mobile suit can make or break in taking and defending position in this game. This Mobile Suit can be purchased for 1,980 Capital or 100 EVO Coins if you want access to Gundam Unicorn soon.

Why Locked Mobile Suits Are Strong

Early in the game, players were locked out of the five mobile suits in Gundam Evolution. Players who’ve unlocked them have quickly felt that these mobile suits are better than the other suits.

Marasai (UC) is a strong skirmisher that can hook up poorly positioned foes for a quick kill. Meanwhile, Gundam Exia is a quick assassin that can clean up backline snipers or dance around the frontlines with its high mobility.

Another good brawler mobile suit is the Zaku II (Melee) which features an easier playstyle due to its wider swings and skills that help it survive brawling within enemy lines. Most of the locked mobile suits are top picks on the tier list if you aim to win more fights in Gundam Evolution.

The Rest Of The Cast

The rest of the free Gundam Evolution mobile suits are still decent even though most of the locked units feel more impactful when bringing them to battle. Most of the suits in the A Tier are great in their specific roles but must commit to these roles if they want to stay effective in the fight.

The only exceptions are Gundam Barbatos and GM Sniper II due to their high elimination potential. Landing a clean Mace (Smash) combo or landing a headshot immediately destroys mobile suits even if they’re the dedicated tanks for the enemy team.

Why Mahiroo Is B Tier

The Mahiroo is one of the unlockable mobile suits in the game that doesn’t immediately follow the strengths of peers. Among the locked mobile suits, Mahiroo’s strengths don’t immediately show themselves in battle.

Its overall kit shines in extremely specific situations and often struggles in battle when fighting most mobile suits up close.

Mahiroo’s weapon, REN-DO Grenade, has strong problems despite its strong damage on hit. The weapon requires players to plan their shots due to its limited ammo. Slow projectile speed and inconsistent bounce make it even harder to effectively use it. And his ultimate just doubles the trouble by dual wielding this weapon.

This character also has an area stun that can be useful in stopping groups of enemies if it hits. However, the area stun blast is a slow attack that enemies can easily avoid with a single thruster dash. Its range is also too close which heavily endangers Mahiroo if it gets focused while setting it up in a fight.

This suit’s saving grace is that it is highly mobile and can gather enemy positions with its other skills. This suit lands in the B Tier as its strengths are too niche. Unlocking this suit first is ill-advised for newer players due to its complicated and indirect playstyle.

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Based in the Philippines, Jerome is an avid fan of video games and esports titles particularly MOBAs, first-person shooters and fighting games. Jerome is also active in growing a grassroots community for some fighting games.