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Halo Infinite Confirmed to Have no Dual Wield or Playable Elites

Halo Infinite cover image

Microsoft have revealed that Halo Infinite, due in Fall 2021, will not have dual wield or playable elites.

Lead sandbox designer Quinn Delhoyo, said that “currently dual wield is not on the cards right now.” Delhoyo went on to say “whenever you set out to make a game the size of Halo Infinite there’s just so many things you can do. We want to really focus down on the weapons, the gunplay, grenades, melee.”

That’s not to say that dual wield will never be added, It hasn’t totally been ruled out. Delhoyo confirmed, ‘right now dual-wielding isn’t necessarily there, but that’s because we’re trying to focus on all the other things we’re working on’.

In the Q&A, the developers talk about the game’s day and night cycle and multiplayer, as well as saying ‘There is a fog system that comes in at different altitudes and times of day’.

Halo Infinite will come to Xbox Game Pass on day one and support ray-tracing with up to 4k resolution graphics at 60FPS in the campaign. As well as greatly reduced load times.

Halo Infinite game play
Credit: HaloFollower

The development team at, 343 Industries, advised that they wanted to give players the best experience possible and working times had been disrupted due to lockdown measures and different working requirements.

Halo Infinite Release Date?

One possible release date that has been put forward for Halo Infinite, could be November 15, 2021. This is the date of Halo’s 20th anniversary.

Credit: IGN

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Gaming has been my passion for over 33 years, ever since I received my first console, the Atari 2600. Pacman, Space invaders . . . . I've been here since the start! At age 43 I'm certainly no longer the youngest gamer, but likely the most experienced . . . . Not like it helps when online gameplay against you young guys though!