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How Many Blocks Are in Minecraft 1.19

How Many Blocks Are in Minecraft 1.19

If you’ve ever wondered how many blocks are in the game of Minecraft then you’re not alone. With the wide variety of blocks available to use we thought it would be appropriate to show you exactly how many building blocks there are in Minecraft version 1.19.

For the more geeky players in the audience, we’ll also be taking you through exactly how many blocks in total there are in Minecraft’s world. Which will include items, mobs, materials etc. So without further delay, let’s jump right in.

How Many Blocks Are in Minecraft

With each Minecraft update, more Blocks are added, resulting in hundreds of unique building blocks in the game. And according to the Creative Inventory, we’ve concluded that there are 391 building blocks in the world of Minecraft. This figure, however, only accounts for full blocks, stairs, and slabs. As well as including Bedrock and Reinforced Deepslate, which cannot be broken or obtained naturally in survival mode.

How Many Blocks Are in Minecraft currently 391 building blocks
There are currently 291 building blocks in Minecraft version 1.19. (Image: YouTube / Shulkercraft)

If we were to consider all the other items in the game as “blocks” such as items, natural materials, weapons, armor, and more. Then the number would spike up tremendously, reaching roughly 1000+ blocks easily. Though they must all be crafted from the building blocks mentioned previously. So for now the number most accurate when describing the number of blocks in Minecraft would be 391 as of version 1.19.

This massive figure stems from the fact that Minecraft’s developers take quite a bit of pride in their work. They ensure that the game never feels stale by constantly providing updates with new game material for its millions of daily players to explore. As a result, there are many different types of blocks, most of which have variations.

There are nine types of wood, namely, Oak, Dark Oak, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Spruce, Mangrove, and Crimson and Warped, the latter two only found in the Nether. These different types of wood then have logs, stripped logs, planks, and other variations. Which ultimately increases the total number of blocks in Minecraft. Meaning you’ll never be bored when it comes to your options for crafting and experimenting in Min

How Many Blocks Are in the Overworld

You might be wondering what this means for the overall number of blocks in the Minecraft World. Given how many craft-able blocks there are overall, the total must be huge, and you’re not wrong. So let’s take a closer look at some interesting data for you to consider in that regard.

First and foremost, let us lay the groundwork. The total number of blocks in any given Minecraft world will be calculated using two numbers: the Minecraft world size limit (i.e. its area, including non-interactable blocks like air) and the world height.

How Many Blocks Are in Minecraft  functionally infinite total amount of blocks per world
The total number of all blocks in the Minecraft overworld is functionally infinite. (Image: YouTube / Shulkercraft)

In real-world units, the world size for any Minecraft world is 30 million blocks in each direction, for a total size of 60 million meters (squared). In version 1.19 the world height is now 319 from floor to ceiling. And when we multiply these two numbers together, we get 1.1484e22 (eleven sextillion four hundred eighty-four quintillion) total blocks per Minecraft world.

A number that’s so large it’s functionally infinite for the amount of blocks in a game. A feat that would take you about two days if you had some speed splash potions and the game’s fastest horse. Or players attempting to discover every nook and cranny in your Minecraft world.

But for right now, we recommend enjoying the fun and simple adventures that you can have with the 391 building blocks available in Minecraft.

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Avid gamer and passionate writer, I play most games but have a special love for those with a deep lore. From the Souls games all the way to platformers like Hollow knight, I play them all! Oh and (noise alert) I play drums in my free time.