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How to become an Actor in Bitlife?


Bitlife is a life simulator mobile game that revolves around the desires of the players. Players can wish to become anything they want in this virtual world. One of the most common desires by players is to become an actor in the game.

The Road to becoming a successful lead actor is quite tricky and be confusing for even regular players. So, in case you are wondering how to become an A-list celebrity in the Bitlife Universe. Here is a detailed guide to achieving your dream.

A Good Looking Character

To start, Players need to have a good-looking and attractive character. So, When you start your new life as a baby, the game will provide you with four features.

  • Happiness: 50 to 100
  • Health: 80 to 100
  • Smarts: 0 to 100
  • Looks: 0 to 100

Please, make sure that the initial stats are high in terms of the looks department. If the new character/life does not have a look rating of a minimum 70/100, reroll your life/game until you find such a character. 

Sustaining & Improving Your Looks

The initial stats are only helpful in gaining an early headstart. Players must participate in certain activities to further enhance the looks of their characters.

  • Going to Gym
  • Haircuts and Dye jobs
  • Manicures and Pedicures(female players)
  • Waxing
  • Spa
  • Getting a Plastic Surgery
  • Participating in Martial Arts

These activities help the players to sustain their present looks as well as increase their stats. Apart from engaging in positive activities, players must also refrain from participating in certain harmful activities.

  • Usage of Drugs
  • Dating a Minor
  • Smoking Abuse
  • Alcohol Addiction

These events tamper the image of an upcoming movie star both physically and in terms of reputation. An actor with drinking problems? Sounds familiar!


In general, Actors don’t need a higher educational qualification to succeed. At Gamezo, we recommend all the players complete a high school degree.

If you wish to go to a college degree, we suggest obtaining a degree in Arts, Music, Dance, or Political Science. Education slightly helps to open the various paths in becoming a famous actor in the Bitlife universe.

Voice Over Job


After completing High School, the game will provide the players with a handful of opportunities to enter the entertainment industry. One of the most common ways is to get a voice-over job. This particular job should be available in the menu, and if you cannot find it, please restart the game till you find one. 


The voice-over job will help you unlock the Fame stats for the character. This particular feature will help you in becoming popular among the Bitlife Citizens. To further increase your fame meter, you should join all the social media platforms-Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik-Tok.

Please make sure to increase your salary or switch the production company every time your fame increases. 

Other Jobs


 Apart from the voice-over jobs, we suggest you join a studio as a stuntman or dancer. But we highly recommend you to follow the path of a voice-over artist as it is easy & straightforward.

Otherways to Improve Your Fame?

Fame is one of the most significant factors to get a job as an actor. Apart from engaging with your fans on social media, there are various other ways to increase your fame Ratings.

source: Reddit

Once you have increased fame, there will be stalkers trying to get a glimpse of you. Handle the stalkers carefully without ruining your reputation. Either report them to the police or politely decline their request.

How to become an Bitlife actor?

Once you keep improving your fame as a Voice-over Artist and doing other freelance works. In 5 to 6 years, you will be given a promotion by the company to the position of Actor.

How to become a lead actor in Bitlife?


 After Reaching the status of an Actor, it’s almost time to become a Lead. You would further need to improve your Fame and Looks ratings by following the same routine. In another 5 to 6 years, you will be given a promotion by the company to the position of Lead Actor.

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Started playing games from the age of 5. Ex Professional Player for Team Nothing in Apex Legends (GLL South Asia #2). Loves to watch anime (Huge One Piece Fan) and Cook anything I desire (There is nothing called “Veg -Biryani”). I also write code and design small games in Unity 3D.