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How to Get Primal Crystal in ARK


Prime Crystal is one of the endgame items that the most experienced ARK: Survival Evolved players desire to get. However, it is only available in the free DLC map called Crystal Isles.

Only players who have the best gear and building skills are the only ones who can get the precious resource. This guide will show you exactly how to do so, and most importantly how to get a Primal Crystal efficiently in ARK: Survival Evolved.

What is a Primal Crystal in ARK?

As mentioned, Prime Crystal is one of the resources added in the free DLC called Crystal Isles. It is not available in the other maps in the game, so the people who want to get their hand in the precious resource should have the DLC downloaded.

It is one of the rarest resources in ARK: Survival Evolved, and it spoils to a Crystal in 45 minutes, which is why it should be used before it loses its Primal status.

How to Harvest a Primal Crystal in ARK?

Primal Crystals are harvested through a Crystal Wyvern by killing or making them unconscious. Though be aware, they’re really strong creatures to face, but they are passive and do not attack anyone unless provoked.

However, it is the contrary for its heirs because they are incredibly aggressive and attack anyone on sight. Trapping a Crystal Wyvern is one of the best ways to harvest a Primal Crystal as its the least dangerous method.

Setting up a trap to capture Primal Crystal in ARK Survival Evolved

How to Trap a Crystal Wyvern in ARK

  1. Find a Crystal Wyvern den and an optimal location to set up the trap. Make sure it is near the den so that a Wyvern will be lured easily. 
  2. Start building the trap. It is up to you what kind of buildings to use. However, the most optimal one is a Behemoth Gate since the Crystal Wyverns are big and can damage structures easily. You can also build a trap with triangle ceilings if you do not want to use a Behemoth Gate.
  3. Make sure to use foundations that have huge space inside. Build walls around the gate and place a small doorway on the back of the trap to get in and out of it quickly. This will be helpful once you manage to confine a Crystal Wyvern into the building.
  4. Place a roof on the trap, and it is up to you if you want to cover most of the building.
  5. Build a trapdoor and a passageway to the ceiling. This is essential when you have successfully trapped a Crystal Wyvern into the building. 
  6. Find a Crystal Wyvern and shoot it to make it follow you. Make sure you can easily get away from the reptile because it will take one shot if it reaches you. It also flies, so mounting is also a great option for an escape. 
  7. Lure the Crystal Wyvern inside the trap. Close the gate and exit through the doorway on the back that you have created earlier. 
  8. Now that you have successfully trapped a Crystal Wyvern decide whether you will tame or kill it. 
  9. Ascend to the roof that you have built on the trap. Open the trapdoor and use either tranquilizer or kill the Crystal Wyvern inside the trap. 
  10. Go back down from the trap that you made and collect the Primal Crystal from the Wyvern.
  11. It is now your choice if you want to free the Crystal Wyvern or keep it confined to tame it or until it generates another Primal Crystal.

How to Tame a Crystal Wyvern

How to get primal crystal

Another safe way to collect a Primal Crystal is by taming a Crystal Wyvern. They are passive creatures and will only attack unless provoked, so you might think that taming them will be a walk in the park.

Crystal Wyverns, unlike other creatures, do not need to be knocked out to be tamed. To tame them, you simply need to have a ton of Primal Crystals to befriend the Crystal Wyverns before taming them, and this takes a lot of resources to do so.

  1. Place the Primal Crystals in your inventory.
  2. Find a Crystal Wyvern and go near it until the option to feed it shows on the screen.
  3. Feed it and follow it until it gets hungry again.
  4. Repeat the steps until the Crystal Wyvern gets tamed.

It’s worth noting that your character needs to be at least level 65 before it can tame Crystal Wyverns. Additionally, remember that the heirs of a Crystal Wyvern are not possible to tame. You can try to steal the eggs and raise the baby Wyvern to maturity by feeding it multiple Primal Crystals.

Crystal Wyverns are fast and can fly, so make sure you can stay with them until they are tamed. There are multiple ways to do this, and you can trap them or use a grappling hook to hang onto them. Nevertheless, it is up to your strategy on how to feed the Crystal Wyvern without letting it escape. 

A purple Crystal Wyvern in ARK Survival Evolved

Different Types of Crystal Wyvern in ARK

ARK Survival Evolved currently features three kinds of Crystal Wyvern with different attacks and appearances.

  • Tropical Crystal Wyvern- this Wyvern is light blue in color. It uses water to attack enemies and is seen near the tropical areas in the Crystal Isles.
  • Blood Crystal Wyvern- The Blood Crystal Wyvern uses fire to attack enemies, unlike the Tropical Crystal Wyvern. It has a red and black appearance that will surely appeal to many players. This version of a Crystal Wyvern is found in the crystal areas of the Crystal Isles.
  • Ember Crystal Wyverns- The Crystal Wyvern that has the most damaging attack out of the three, the Ember Crystal Wyvern uses a fire breath to deal enormous damage over time to its enemies. This version is found in the yellow crystal areas of the Crystal Isles and has a yellowish appearance.

You do not need to hunt a specific Crystal Wyvern to get a Primal Crystal because all of the types carry the resource. However, take your time deciding what type of a Crystal Wyvern you will be taming because each of them has different stats, like damage and health.

Nevertheless, it is recommended to tame an Ember Crystal Wyvern if you play a lot of PvE and PvP because it is the best one out of the three in that game mode. 

Overall, Primal Crystal is a hard resource to collect in ARK Survival Evolved, so make sure you spend it wisely. Now that you have learned all about the types of Crystal Wyvern and how to trap and tame them, it is now the time to try it in your game!

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