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How to Get the Dead Messenger in Destiny 2

Dead Messenger

Dead Messenger is the Season’s 16 seasonal exotic weapon. In previous seasons we had to wait for the exotic mission to drop to get an exotic weapon like the Devil’s Ruin or Dead Man’s Tale. Yet in Season of the Risen, the exotic mission is available straight away. We will guide you through how to get Dead Messenger in Destiny 2 and what the weapon itself is.

Dead Messenger is an exotic grenade launcher with a unique ability called Trinary Vision: Projectiles release a fan of three energy waves on contact with the ground. It also had The Fundamentals trait that allows you to switch between the weapon’s elemental damage type. Overall it is a decent grenade launcher. Dead Messenger is unlikely to break the Destiny 2 meta but is a good addition to the exotic collection.

How to Get the Dead Messenger Exotic Quest?

Dead Messenger exotic quest in Destiny 2
Kill the Messenger exotic quest

To receive the quest you will need to progress through the seasonal quest. It introduces you to the basics of seasonal activities and threats you will face. Ikora Rey will offer the first seasonal quest Rising Tensions at The Enclave during The Witch Queen campaign introduction.

After acquiring Rising Tensions follow these steps:

  • Complete all Rising Tensions steps
  • Get a new Operation Elbrus quest
  • Upgrade the War Table for the first time (Step 4 of Operation Elbrus)
  • Receive a transmission from Caiatl with Kill The Messenger quest

After upgrading the War Table for the first time on Step 4 of the quest you will receive a transmission from Caiatl at the War Table. In the message, she will tell you that some of her Psions are not very happy with the alliance between the Vanguard and the Cabal. Psions potentially allying with the Black Fleet to basically commit treason. They send propagandistic messages to other Cabal with hopes to gather more supporters. Caiatl can’t be seen deploying her forces which is where you come in.

After you pick up the quest, Vox Obscura mission will appear in the Director. You can find it in the Thorne World’s map in the top right corner but it will take you to Mars instead of the Throne World. This quest will take you to the reprised Mars locations from Destiny 1 that are filled with Cabal and their heavy machinery. The Dead Messenger will drop from the final chest at the end of the mission.

Vox Obscura mission gamrplay
Vox Obscura mission

The recommended power for the mission is 1550 which is the powerful cap. Being a bit lower than the recommended is fine as long as it’s within 20 levels. More than 20 will result in you taking too much damage making the mission much more painful. The mission also has a timer to complete just like in the days of Whisper of the Worm and especially if you are underpowered we recommend you go with a fireteam rather than solo.

We have a complete guide on powering up in The Witch Queen that will help you to reach the required power quicker. It will still take some time and grind though. Be mentally prepared for that.

How to Get Dead Messenger’s Catalyst?

The catalyst for this exotic grenade launcher is not yet available. But just like with previous exotics, the source for the catalyst will be the same mission. You will have to complete Vox Obscura again but on a higher difficulty, presumably with 1560 recommended power level and a bunch of modifications active.

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Based in the UK, Edward is a Guides Editor at Gamezo. He's all about esports and gaming and plays a little bit of everything. But his favorite game of all time is Destiny 2.