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How to Grab a Crown in Fall Guys

fall guys character wearing a crown victory screen

Grabbing a crown in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is one of the game’s most sought-after achievements. It is not uncommon for players to pour hours into Fall Guys and still be unable to grab a single crown. The game has introduced several new ways to win a crown across various modes.

Players who can outlast their opponents in survival rounds will be given a crown. Duos and squads that prove they have the best teamwork will often all receive crowns. Crown points also let Fall Guys players accumulate enough points to earn a crown by completing daily, weekly, and season challenges.

While there are plenty of ways to earn crowns, grabbing a crown and winning in a solo lobby is still a great achievement.

How to Grab Crowns in Fall Guys

Fall Guys bean jumping to grab crown on Fall Mountain

While grabbing players and objects may not seem like a difficult task for some, grabbing a crown is a lot more challenging. There are currently only two game maps in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout that require players to grab the crown at the end.

  • Fall Mountain
  • Lost Temple

Both maps require players to navigate through obstacles and race against other players to reach the end. The first thing players have to keep in mind is that bumping into or landing on top of the crown will not result in a win.

The crown also floats up and down, which means players need to time their jumps or they risk falling back down and losing their lead. Players will have to use their grab action to hold onto the crown instead.

The button a player needs to press will depend on what type of controller they are using:

  • PS4/PS5 – R2
  • Switch – ZR
  • Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S – RT
  • Keyboard – Shift

Once a player successfully grabs the crown the game will end eliminating all other players.

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Based in the United States, Camisha is a Guides Writer at Gamezo. She is a fan of RPGs and simulation games but also plays a bit of everything. In her spare time, she also streams.