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How to Log Out of League of Legends


Riot Games software can sometimes feel counterintuitive. We will cover three places where you can log out of League of Legends: the game’s client, Riot Client, and the website.

How to Log Out of League of Legends Client

The first way to log out of League of Legends is by logging out of the game’s client. And we mean the game itself, not the Riot Client.

To log out of the League of Legends client:

  1. Open League of Legends client
  2. Press “X” button as if you want to close the client
  3. Select “Sing Out” in a pop-up window
League of Legends client sing out option
League of Legends client sing out option

How to Log Out of Riot Client

Logging out of the League of Legends client will log you out of the Riot Client as well. But you can log out of it without launching any Riot game. This method is extremely useful for any active Riot Client users.

To log out of Riot Client:

  1. Open Riot Client
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top right
  3. Select “Sing Out”
Riot Client sing out option
Riot Client sing out option

After that, you will be logged out of the client and will need to enter your details again including login, password, and any two-factor authentication methods you have enabled even if you previously selected “Remember this PC”

How to Log Out of the League of Legends Website

League of Legends website works independently as you might expect. If you log in to the client and the website, you need to log out of both individually. And if you logged into your account on the website, you may remain logged in even if you close the tab.

To log out of the League of Legends website:

  1. Go to the League of Legends website
  2. Hover over your name at the top right
  3. Select “Logout”
League of Legends website logout option
League of Legends website logout option

This will log you out of that browser on that particular device. However, if you are afraid that you are logged in to other browsers or devices, you can use a nifty feature on the website to log out of everywhere.

To log out of everywhere through the League of Legends website:

  1. Go to the League of Legends website
  2. Hover over your name at the top right
  3. Select “Settings”
  4. Go to “Login Management” menu
  5. Press “Log Out Everywhere”
League of Legends website log out everywhere option
League of Legends website log out everywhere option

This will log you out of every device you ever logged in to. We highly recommend doing this when you feel like you forgot to log out on someone else’s device or you suspect that your account might be compromised.

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Based in the UK, Edward is a Guides Editor at Gamezo. He's all about esports and gaming and plays a little bit of everything. But his favorite game of all time is Destiny 2.