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How to Make a Splint in DayZ


Being able to escape your enemies is important in DayZ. And having a broken leg can put a damper on that. Luckily, we have you covered, today we’ll show you exactly how to make a splint in DayZ.

How to Craft a Splint in DayZ

Splints are as important in DayZ as they are in real life. They keep the bone in place to allow it to heal effectively. In DayZ they allow a fracture to heal in 15 minutes as opposed to 30 minutes without one. They also allow a player to walk at normal speed without incurring shock damage which leads to blacking out. You cant sprint just yet but you’ll be able to get to a safe spot and away from enemies.

As with any complex items in DayZ, a splint will require you to craft it. Luckily, there are two variations of items you can use to craft a splint in DayZ so if you have any of these combinations on hand you’ll be able to craft a splint.

You can either use 3 rags and 2 wooden sticks or a full roll of bandages and 2 wooden sticks.

If you have any of these variations, you’ll be able to craft a splint.

To craft it:

  • Combine either your rags or bandages with your sticks
  • Scroll through your recipes until you find the “Craft a Splint” recipe

How to Use a Splint in DayZ

After knowing how to make a splint in DayZ, this section shows you how to apply it to a broken leg.
Using a Splint in DayZ

Once you have crafted the splint. Hold it in your hand and in the bottom left corner you will get a prompt to “Fix Fracture”. Hold down the button to do so and the splint will be fit to your broken leg.

You are now ready to take on the treacherous world of DayZ and the challenges you might face, even with a broken leg. If you’re worried about getting sick in DayZ, get prepared by reading our How to Cure Sickness guide.

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Avid gamer and passionate writer, I play most games but have a special love for those with a deep lore. From the Souls games all the way to platformers like Hollow knight, I play them all! Oh and (noise alert) I play drums in my free time.