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How to See Challenges in Modern Warfare 2


New GUI in Modern Warfare 2 can get quite confusing. It’s much harder to find and see the things we need, including Challenges, which is the bread of Modern Warfare 2. Depending on the challenges you are looking for, you can find them in the main menu, weapon customization menu, and operator menu.

Camo Challenges

To see the camo challenges for each of the weapons in Modern Warfare 2 you have to open the weapon customization screen. Go to:

  • Weapon menu
  • Open your loadout
  • Open the Gunsmith of the weapon
  • Select “Customize” at the top
Camo Challenges in Modern Warfare 2
Camo Challenges

Here you will find the challenges for this weapon’s camos specifically on the left. Some challenges may be locked depending on the weapon’s level. Only after reaching it you will learn what you need to do and will be able to begin working on it.

There are also completionist camos and challenges that you need to complete to unlock weapon mastery camos: Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and Orion. These challenges also have requirements to be unlocked and completed.

If you are having trouble navigating the menu on PC, use WASD or arrow keys instead of your mouse as the interface is a bit bugged.

On the right of the screen, you can scroll through a huge menu of all camos in the game. Use it to find the camo you like the most and learn what weapon that challenge is tied to.

Daily Challenges

Daily Challenges are a good way to speed up your leveling process, especially if you pair them with Double XP tokens.

To see your Daily Challenges, go to the main menu of Modern Warfare 2 and select a playlist you want to play. On the next screen, you will see all the Daily Challenges and will be able to use XP tokens.

Daily Challenges in Modern Warfare 2
Daily challenges

Each day you are given 3 Daily Challenges that will give you 2,500 XP each. Upon completion, you can unlock a bonus challenge for an extra 10,000 XP. So make sure to complete them all if your goal is to level fast.

Operator Challenges

Operator challenges in Modern Warfare 2
Operator Challenges

Finally, there are Operator Challenges. To unlock each operator you will need to complete a specific Challenge (except for Ghost, Price, Soap, and Farah. For those you need to buy the Vault Edition or upgrade).

Those challenges are very simple for the most part and will take you minutes to complete. Even better, most of them will complete passively.

To find Operator Challenges go to the “Operators” screen and hover over the desired operator to view the Challenge.

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Based in the UK, Edward is a Guides Editor at Gamezo. He's all about esports and gaming and plays a little bit of everything. But his favorite game of all time is Destiny 2.