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How to Unlock the Nail Gun in Warzone


Apart from regular guns like M4s or AKs, there is a range of extraordinary weapons in Call of Duty. One such weapon is a Nail Gun, a full auto SMG that will tear your enemies into a million pieces at close range. How do you get your hands on one of those? Here’s how to unlock the Nail Gun in Warzone and Cold War.

How to Unlock the Nail Gun Through Cold War

Nail Gun preview in Cold War gunsmith
Nail Gun in Cold War

The first way to unlock the Nail Gun is by playing Cold War. The challenge to unlock the Nail Gun is “Get 5 Eliminations with Special Weapons in 15 different completed matches” and is pretty self-explanatory.

Look for the Special weapons tab in the gunsmith and pick your poison. The best way to unlock the Nail Gun is by playing one of the 24/7 playlists like 24/7 Nuketown. The matches there are fairly short and are the same length. While when playing other playlists you may find yourself on a larger map that will make the match longer.

If you are wondering what kind of equipment to bring with you, here are a few things:

  • Assault Pack Field Upgrade to replenish special weapon ammo
  • Tactical Mask Perk to survive flashes and stuns
  • Scavenger/Gearhead Perk to have more ammo for your special weapon

You can also unlock the Nail Gun by playing Cold War Zombies. The challenge is a bit different for Zombies: “Get 25 eliminations with Special Weapons in 12 completed regions in Outbreak”. There are many more eliminations but at the same time, Zombies matches may prove more consistent since you just have to blow up mindless zombies.

How to Unlock the Nail Gun Through Warzone

Nail Gun weapon preview in the Warzone gunsmith
Nail Gun in Warzone

If however, you do not own Cold War and are playing Warzone only, there is a way for you to unlock the nail gun pretty easily too. The challenge is the same: “Get 5 Eliminations with Special Weapons in 15 different completed matches”.

In Warzone there is no Special weapons tab but the weapons you can use for the challenge are the same:

  • M79 launcher (Secondary -> Launchers)
  • R1 Shadowhunter (Primary -> Marksman Rifles)
  • Ballistic Knife (Secondary -> Melee)
  • Nail Gun (Primary -> SMGs)

You can use the Nail Gun if you find it as a drop during the match. Kills with it will also contribute to unlocking the gun for yourself.

To unlock Nail Gun in Warzone play limited-time modes like Clash or Plunder. There’s only at least one game mode available to play and the good thing about them is that you can find tons of players quickly and you get lots of respawns. We also recommend carrying an Ammo Crate Field Upgrade. It gets pretty useful, especially when using the M79 launcher that doesn’t have lots of ammo.

The good thing about playing Warzone is that you can leave as soon as you have made progress on the challenge. You jump in, get your 5 kills with special weapons, and quit the match to start looking for the next one. Just make sure to check your progress before leaving.

Unlock the Nail Gun by Buying the Bundle

Dead City bundle in the store
Dead City bundle

Finally, you can simply buy the Nail Gun in the store if there is a bundle available. When you buy a bundle with a blueprint for the Nail Gun you get the gun itself too. This is a quick way to get the Nail Gun and it might be worth it if there are cosmetics you like.

Currently, in Cold War, there is a featured bundle “Dead City” that has quite a lot of things, including the Nail Gun blueprint, but is also pricey. This bundle comes at a cost of CP 2,400 which equals $19.99. But not to worry, this is not the only bundle with the Nail Gun and there are also different bundles in Warzone’s store. Keep your eyes out for more in the store, especially if getting the Nail Gun isn’t urgent for you.

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Based in the UK, Edward is a Guides Editor at Gamezo. He's all about esports and gaming and plays a little bit of everything. But his favorite game of all time is Destiny 2.