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KOTOR Remake in Development, Bioware not Involved

KOTOR remake

An unknown studio is allegedly working on a KOTOR remake. Knights of the Old Republic, one of the better games to ever be published, hasn’t seen another entry since KOTOR 2 in 2004. We know very little about the game itself but can assume some things. Here’s all we know…

KOTOR remake in development
Credit: Star Wars

Several sources have reported that a new KOTOR game is in the works. What’s known is that the game is most likely a remake/reimagining of KOTOR and that Bioware will have no involvement in the development of the title, and EA itself won’t have a hand in it.

In a post by Nate Najda, who claims to have two reliable sources, he alleges that the studio that will be developing the KOTOR remake is relatively small and unknown. With Bioware’s current track record, some might see this as a good thing, others might not like the idea of an untested studio remaking their favourite game. Only time will tell.

Now for some inference. We know that Ubisoft’s previously announced open-world Star Wars title isn’t going to be the KOTOR remake, as the studio is supposedly small and unknown. Ubisoft is the antithesis of small and unknown.

We can also assume that it will not be a prequel nor sequel, as ‘remake’ and ‘reimagining’ has been attributed to the development. Updates will follow upon acquisition of more information.

By the way, if you have never played Knights of the Old Republic or its sequel, Knights of the Old Republic II, you really should. Bioware pre-EA made some fantastic games, the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age series included.

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I'm an Army vet who loves gaming, writing, and writing about gaming. I also think Cheez Itz are the greatest thing ever invented, and that honey mustard should be banned.