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LCS 2021 Summer: Why are Pros Picking Ezreal?


You may be wondering, why are pros picking Ezreal? Well, Ezreal is a champion with an extremely high skill cap, due to his ability and necessity to animation cancel and hit skill shots. This means that the pros who are strong on him look amazing, while someone who is unskilled on the champion deals no damage.

The pros are currently playing on 11.11, and this is a patch in which Ezreal has a shout for being one of the strongest champions in the game. This on top of a new build that involves the frozen heart, he is extremely beefy and deals loads of damage.

Currently, on patch 11.11, Ezreal is sitting in at a 50.55% win rate in platinum + level. Though that means he is just about 50%, it shows much more specifically because he is a high skill cap champion. In addition to this, Ezreal is a champion that is usually the pick that most non-ADC players play when they are auto-filled because of the fact that he is deemed as “safe”.

What this proves is that Ezreal is in a strong place, due to the fact that he is a highly played champion, with a high skill cap, but he is still winning most of his games. If the level of play is increased, so does Ezreal’s win rate in solo queue.

Credit: Riot Games

Another important aspect of what makes Ezreal so strong is the power of the Divine Sunderer. What this item grants Ezreal is a slight health recovery (30% of the enhanced spell blade damage) and with ability to build a sheen (and have the spell blade passive). The spell blade passive with the Divine Sunderer upgrade also allows Ezreal to do 12% of the enemies’ max health on hit. This means that his mystic shot (Q) will be hitting for massive amounts of damage.

One final crucial part of the strength of this champion is the addition of Frozen Heart being a core item of his. In the previous season “Blue Ezreal” was coined when building the Iceborn Gauntlet, however, that has now been reworked. But the idea of grabbing a Frozen Heart gives Ezreal mana, and the tankiness he previously had in past seasons.

Currently the core build of Divine Sunderer, Lucidity Boots, and Frozen Heart sits at a 58% win rate.

In addition to the champion being extremely strong, the pro players in the world are all aware of the fundamentals needed to succeed on this champion. The technical and mechanical ability that the professional players have to hit all skill shots and never get caught is what makes this champion elite.

Additionally in the draft, Ezreal can be played into or with any composition. This means that he is extremely safe, and can allow teammates to freely express themselves in the champions they pick, as Ezreal can compensate, for fit into most situations.

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