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League of Legends: Jhin Season 11 Guide – How To Play, Best Builds & Runes


If you’re looking for a very strong ADC in League of Legends, then this Jhin guide might be perfect to help you master him! Here’s a full rundown of Jhin, the Virtuoso!

New to League of Legends? Or, maybe you want to learn a new champion… This fully-explained Jhin guide might be what you are looking for! It has everything you need, from runes to builds & tips on how to play him!

Due to it being the preseason in League of Legends, this Jhin Guide will be updated as and when patches go live. That means it’ll be relevant for whenever you find yourself needing it! In case you want to learn other champions, check out our other League of Legends Champion guides by clicking here!

League of Legends Jhin Guide – Runes & Summoner Spells

For starters, Jhin has two sets of runes that suit him best. The first one revolves around Fleet Footwork: it grants sustain and MS, allowing Jhin to reposition quickly for the next auto-attacks.

Presence of Mind & Legend: Bloodline are the most useful runes in their trees. The first one gives more mana, which is useful in the early game with the Q spams, while Lifesteal is always good on ADCs. Coup de Grace amplifies Jhin’s already high damage so it’s the cherry on the top.

For the secondary tree, Inspiration works best. Biscuit Delivery can be consumed to survive in a hard lane or to quickly gain some mana. The other option can either be Cosmic Insight or Time Warp Tonic: both are decent on Jhin.

League of Legends Jhin Guide
Fleet Footwork Jhin | Credits: Riot Games

The second set has seen a rise in popularity in the last few patches, after Jhin’s build has changed from last year (more into that later).

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Dark Harvest is the main keystone: Jhin’s insane auto-attacks like we mentioned earlier, will proc it in many cases. Not only that, but it synergizes with his ultimate as well. (Jhin’s shots deal more damage based on missing health).

Tasste of blood & Ravenous Hunter give the sustain that is missing by not running Fleet Footwork while Manaflow Band fixes the mana issues Jhin might encounter.

You can either decide between Absolute Focus, Nimbus Cloak or Gathering Storm depending on the situation.

League of Legends Jhin Guide
Dark Harvest Jhin | Credits: Riot Games
Flash & Heal
Credits: Riot Games

The most common summoner spells on Jhin is Flash & Heal. It’s effective when dueling in the botlane as it grants both of you & the support some health. Flash, like always, goes on almost every champion in the game.

Flash & Cleanse
Credits: Riot Games

If enemies have a lot of crowd control that can shut you down, go for Cleanse instead. It is stronger than Heal in fights since the opposing team will throw everything they have to make sure you’re dead.

League of Legends Jhin – Build & Skill Order

League of Legends Jhin Guide
League of Legends Jhin Guide
League of Legends Jhin Guide
Jhin Build | Credits: Riot Games

The recent item changes have catapulted Jhin into the S-tier among ADCs. Just like many strong champions at the moment, Eclipse is the difference-maker. It grants everything Jhin needs stats-wise.

Not only that, but Galeforce has also become more & more popular. The reason behind it is linked to the bonus it grants when building Legendary Items. MS, as mentioned earlier, has insane value on a champion like Jhin.

After building one of the two, The Collector is the best 2nd item you can get on Jhin, particularly with Dark Harvest, since the item & the rune have perfect synergy with each other. You can basically kill anyone when they have reached a low threshold of hp.

In order to make these two work, Jhin needs to stack up Critical Strike Chance (in short, Crit). Rapid Fire Cannon & Stormrazor allow you to kite better, one thanks to the extra range, the other with the slow. At that point, finish off with an Infinity Edge: your damage will spike really hard.

RELATED: League of Legends: Zed Season 11 Guide – How To Play, Best Builds & Runes

In case you’re struggling, remember to get some defensive stats to protect yourself. Guardian’s Angel & the Mercurial Scimitar (now better for Jhin since it gives Crit) are the best choices for either Armor or Magic Resist.

Lastly, Boots of Swiftness work best on Jhin due to its higher MS. Mercury’s Treads & Plated Steelcaps are good options if you can’t afford to buy the defensive item but still want that kind of resistance.

Dancing Grenade13579
Deadly Flourish (W)2101213
Captive Audience (E) 4814151718
Curtain Call (R)61116
Jhin Skill Order | Credits: Riot Games

During the Laning Phase…

Since Jhin is played in the bottom lane, the lane will depend a lot on who’s your support & who you’re up against. Usually Jhin works best with support that can lock enemies in place, since it allows to chain Deadly Flourish (W) for even more crowd control. Champions like Leona, Pantheon, Alistar work really well with him.

The best way to fight for Jhin is utilizing the Q to kill the minions & make it bounce on enemy champions. Remember that Q’s damage increases for every target killed. Poke the enemies enough & try to use the 4th shot on them to maximize damage. When they’re low, root them with W or use the Curtain Call to finish them off.

Then Later into the Game…

Once you finish the Mythic Item & The Collector, you will have an insane spike. You will notice your damage ramp up hugely and you will have your say in any fight on the map. Jhin is able to hit enemies from a very safe range compared to other ADCs so you can fight almost unscathed. Nevertheless, be aware of flanks and don’t overstep or you will get shut down very easily.


After the recent item changes, Jhin has become very popular in the ADC role. Following the Samira nerfs in patch 10.25, Jhin has established himself as one of, if not, the best marksmen in the game!

What are you waiting for? Go try him out!

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