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League of Legends: The Top 5 Most Used Items in LoL

Have you ever wondered which are the most used items in League of Legends? This Top 5 list is all you need to know for the current item meta.

With 10.7 being implemented as the current patch of League of Legends a while ago, here are the top 5 most used items in League of Legends.

5. Trinity Force

Ooh good old Trinity Force… As the veteran in our list, Trinity Force has started from the bottom, and now it’s here. It has come so far and across many changes but still manages to be relevant. From top lane bruisers to twinkly marksmen, you can use Trinity Force in almost every build you want.

Fun fact: Trinity Force is the only item in League of Legends with an abnormal cost of 3733 gold.

4. Infinite Edge

Another veteran makes it on our list. Infinite Edge has been in the back pocket of every Marksman in Summoner’s Rift. It has been the target of plenty of recipes changes while its price has been fluctuating over the years. Champions like Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Ashe and Yasuo usually have IE as one of their core items.

Fun fact: Infinite Edge’s price has changed 10 times up to this point.

3. Zhonya’s Hourglass

Zhonya’s Hourglass is the little brother of the removed item Zhonya’s Ring. While it’s a good source of both Ability Power and Armor, most of the players buy Zhonya’s for its unique active ability. I think all of us have dodged a “Chum The Waters” Fizz ultimate or flashed in the enemy lines with our Morgana’s R.

Fun fact: Back in 4.11 patch, you could use Zhonya’s while using Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool.

2. Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King, also known as BotRK, is the most overpowered item in League of Legends right now. It can be used by both melee and ranged champions, and its effects can be applied in many other core items. These two parameters are the reason why BotRK is a useful and agile item that can change the course of a fight.

Fun fact: BotRK has been named after Kalista’s uncle, the King of The Argent Throne.

1. Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver is the most used item in the current meta of League of Legends! Its exceptional armor penetration and agility triggering between auto attacks and abilities has made Black Cleaver an essential item for all AD-oriented top laners.

Fun fact: Black Cleaver had the word “The” removed from its name in 9.19.

This was the list of The Top 5 Most Used Items in the current 10.7 patch in League of Legends.  As always, GLHF.
Thank you for reading!

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