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League of Legends Warding: Where Should You be Warding?


In League of Legends, warding is a key part of any laners success. It can help keep players safe, gain useful information about enemies and generally keep your jungler ahead.

Though placing a ward down in random areas isn’t always enough, learning how to place your wards down in impactful spots is key to taking advantage of out of placed enemies.

Another key point, is warding is not solely the supports job in the game, yes they do gain wards more and faster than any other person in the game, but everyone can place effective wards down, and buy control wards.

Lets break it down for each lane where the best places to ward are.

Top Lane

League of Legends Warding

Depending on where you are on the map, red or blue side these wards can help you take control of the lane, and prevent yourself from getting ganked or roamed on by the enemy team.

Keeping your closest bushes warded can keep vision for you directly so that you don’t overextend and get caught out, keeping enemy/ your junglers buffs and or side brushes can keep your buffs safe, and track enemy jungler.


You should be warding your opposite buff, basing and buying a red trinket, so you can actively clear vision when ganking, or keeping an eye on objectives.

You should be picking up control wards every time you base incase your sweeper is down and or making sure you can secure vision on objectives.

Mid Lane

League of Legends Warding

Once you hit level 9 you should be swapping out your yellow trinket for a blue ward. The blue trinket will allow you to ward from a safe distance away without having to face check enemies.

Keeping Pixel warded can keep lurking enemy teams away and gain much-needed information on the way the enemy jungle is pathing around.


Keeping in mind, you are laning with your support, making sure you guys keeping vision to avoid getting dove by the enemy team, you should really be communicating ward timers with your support.

Warding tri and side brush as well as in lane/ alcove is also really important to keeping yourself safe.

Similar to mid at level 9 you also switch to blue trinket to keep yourself safe.


League of Legends Warding

Depending on where you are should be warding to learn as much as you can about the game, gathering as much information, if you see the jungler on a top ward you should be sneaking into their jungle to place a ward so you know when they are bot side again.

You should also be picking up any slacking ADC and making sure you keep vision so they can farm safely. You can even venture towards mid and clear any vision the enemy jungler or laners could have gotten and replace it with your own vision.

A good support player can control the entirety of the lower side vision if using their wards and sweepers correctly.

Learning the pathing of the enemy can help you place down a more effective vision as the game goes on.

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Graduate of Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, with a passion for writing and games, and the asperation to work alongside some of the best and influential people in the industry!