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New Upcoming League Skins 10.6 Preview


Patch 10.5 came to live servers on Wednesday, March 4th, and with it, new League skins hit the PBE in preparation for patch 10.6 (or later). These are the new upcoming League skins.

Currently, nine new skins are up from various themes. Some of them are the less popular champions that Riot promised to make skins for in a Riot dev video, and there are two new Lux skins.

I made a playlist of the SkinSpotlight videos for all the new skins from this patch. If you don’t want to take the time to watch the videos, pics and a few gifs are below.

New Upcoming League Skins for 10.6

Cosmic Lux and Dark Cosmic Lux are the new Lux skins from the same universe as the Dark Star theme.

The world may think that Lux already has too many skins, but these skins are beautiful, and they play beat saber.

In the Dark Cosmic Lux skin, planets are destroyed during the ultimate.

The rest of the skins feature less popular champions that Riot promised to make skins for (although you could argue Mordekaiser is popular now).

There are three new Dark Star skins: Malphite, Xerath, and Mordekaiser.

Yes, Mordekaiser’s death realm is spectacular. Unfortunately, it’s all under the arena, so it’s unlikely that you will see it during an actual fight.

Malphite is also getting a Prestige Dark Star skin.

Talon, Twitch, and Taric are also getting new skins with an RPG theme. The skins are Talon Blackwood, Twitch Shadowfoot, and Taric Luminshield.

Twitch also has a SFX that makes his voice higher and cuter. This was added later due to community feedback.

That’s all the new upcoming League skins for 10.6. The champions still left on the list in Riot dev video now: Skarner, Kindred, Vel’Koz, Karthus, Sion, Pantheon, Nautilus, Bard, Ornn, and Taliyah. We should see them show up in later patches.

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