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Marvel’s Avengers: How To Unlock Black Widow?


When you start Marvel’s Avengers, you may be asking one question: how to unlock Black Widow? Well, fear not! There’s a pretty easy way you can do that. Be warned, though: this article contains some spoilers!

At launch, Marvel’s Avengers comes with six playable characters. Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, The Hulk, Captain America, and Ms Marvel each sport unique gear, their own skill trees, and hours of fun! However, if you’re wanting to jump into a multiplayer punch-fest first thing, you may be wondering where Black Widow is…

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Marvel’s Avengers has a prominent single-player story questline, and Crystal Dynamics want you to play it. Therefore, some of the playable characters are locked at the start in order to encourage players to play through the Reassemble storyline. As Kamala is the title’s protagonist, she is the first playable character unlocked. The Hulk is also available, as Bruce Banner is the first Avenger that Kamala happens across in her search for the team.

Despite this, though… There is another way you can unlock Black Widow.

How To Unlock Black Widow? It’s Pretty Simple!

The first way to unlock Black Widow is to play the single-player campaign in Marvel’s Avengers. The game itself recommends this, and it’s easy to see why. The game’s story is fantastic, to put it simply. The nuanced representations of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes take each character back to their roots to provide a thrilling narrative. It’s also a fantastic way to learn how to play the game! There are HARM Tutorial rooms for each of the playable characters, and the missions ease you into gameplay through the narrative. Black Widow is unlocked after you complete the mission “To Stand Alone”. It takes place around the mid-way point in the story.

However, if you don’t want to wait… You can unlock all six playable characters by selecting the Avengers Initiative in the main menu. This is where all the post-story online content is held, so beware of spoilers.

How To Unlock Black Widow
Credit: Gamespot

There’s not a lot in Marvel’s Avengers’ storyline that is mind-blowing, but if you’re a fan of the characters, then the story isn’t worth missing first-hand! You will also be able to swap between the two mission sets by pressing up on the D-Pad (If using a controller) while looking at the War Table map!

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I like writing about video games and drinking tea, but the kettle's boiling.