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Next Battlefield Game, Battlefield 2042, Officially Unveiled


EA and DICE have officially unveiled the title and some gameplay for the next entry in the Battlefield series, called Battlefield 2042.

Credit: DICE

DICE unveiled the new game through a livestream countdown a few hours after images were leaked by a Twitter user. At the end of the timer, a relatively long teaser trailer was released that unveiled a lot of the systems and gameplay features that will be in the game.

Credit: DICE

For starters, as indicated by the title, the game will take place in the year 2042 and feature futuristic weapons, vehicles, and locations. The game will also completely ditch a single-player campaign and be multiplayer only. To make up for the lack of a campaign and focus on multiplayer, on new-gen consoles and PC, the game will feature 128 player matches; twice the size than PS4 and Xbox One.

The multiplayer maps will reportedly be the largest in the franchise’s history, as not only is DICE accommodating for the larger player count, they also needed to make room for the other new main feature; weather storms. Maps will feature a large catastrophic weather event that will completely change the look and feel of the match. One of those events was teased in the trailer, as a super tornado tore through the streets of a city.

Speaking of city streets, matches will take place in maps that are set all over the world. In the fiction of this game’s universe, the whole world broke out into war as climate disasters made resources more scarce. As a result of this, all of the major nations in the world are fighting to have what little is left in order to survive.

Credit: DICE

Some of the unique gadgets and weapons revealed so far include a wingsuit and a robotic dog with a machine gun on top of it. The wingsuit was featured prominently in the trailer and will presumably be a large part of traversal.

In terms of modes, old favorites Conquest and Breakthrough will make their return to the series. Additionally, a new multiplayer mode, called Hazard Zone, will be unveiled later this summer.

Finally, the teaser ended with the news that more gameplay will be revealed on June 13th. There’s also a more in-depth rundown of Battlefield 2042. Battlefield 2042 will release on October 22nd of this year for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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Hi! I like to play all sorts of games, except for sports or music titles. Some of my favorites are Assassin's Creed II, XCOM: Enemy Within, Stellaris, and Mass Effect 2.