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Suning Wins Tiebreak Game Against G2


Suning wins the tiebreaker game against G2, entering knockout stage as 1st seed while the European team will enter as 2nd seed.



Sunings final draft has Gankplank for Bin top lane, Graves for Sofm in the jungle, Angel midlane with Akali, and duo bot Huanfeng – SwordArt with Ashe and Leona respectively.

G2 side with Sion in the top for Wunder, Jankos in the jungle with Lillia, Syndra for Caps midlane, and senna with Sett as her Support botside duo Perkz – Mikyx.

LoL: Welten 2020 | G2 Esports vs Suning Tiebreaker Recap

One Team Attacks, One Defends

While the win took longer than expected given the starting pace, the game was a one-side attack from Suning as they proceed to snowball the entire early game. At this point, the most important thing for the G2 is to prevent Suning from roaming too much.
However Suning’s mid laner, Angel, manages to assassinate Caps’ Syndra in his own jungle, in the meantime, G2 are in trouble under their own midlane tower. While Mikyx saves the situation by using the final of his Sett by giving two kills to his adc, Suning turns towards the Baron and while four members of the Chinese team try to take the buff, Angel manages to assassinate Caps again behind the Baron’s pit. Suning easily gets the Baron buff.


During the course of the game Perkz’s Senna is getting a very good progression towards the late game, however at the same time Angel’s Akali is maintaining a very consistent style and at minute 28 he remains with 6 kills and 0 deaths. A teamfight breaks out in midlane, Mikyx and Wunder collapse, without a frontline G2 cannot stop Suning from taking what is now their second Baron Buff.

Suning push into the enemy base, drop the tower and top inhibitor, then combat breaks out. It would appear that G2 are about to lose when Wunder and Perkz change the game’s fate by killing various members of the enemy team, G2 can head for their second fire dragon.
Ignoring what happens in the dragon pit, Suning takes the Baron again and tries to push back into the enemy team’s base. G2 only have to resist and try to get the fire dragon’s soul to try and turn the situation around. Suning retreats towards the second fire dragon, however Angel is captured by G2 and grants a kill to the enemy jungler. Suning takes the dragon that brings them to Soul Point.
We are now 41 minutes into the game and Suning takes yet another Baron Buff.

A teamfight breaks out in midlane: Perkz and Caps overturn the game’s fate by managing to get 2 towers in midlane. Perkz’s Senna has 775 attack range with 170 passive stacks.
Suning go towards the Baron and get once again the Baron’s Buff, in the meantime G2 head towards the dragon pit and conquer the fire soul, however they are surrounded by Suning who in a quick fight manage to carry out a carnage. With all the team dead, G2 can’t defend their base, which is then conquered by Suning who finish the day victorious.

The LPL’s third seed, Suning, has advanced to the 2020 League of Legends World Championship quarterfinals in first place of Group A ahead of G2 Esports.

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If you’re reading this from gamepredator, this article was stolen from gamezo.

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MOBA, Open World, FPS, RPG and so much more! I appreciate any game with a good story behind it! Nowdays I write articles about games and competition but also organize and manage Esport tournaments. "Aha, 42, I knew it! Now - er, what was the question again?"