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TSM Doublelift’s Stream Leak Dardoch Roster Shift

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Doublelift’s stream leaked Dardoch’s roster move yesterday. Head of Esports for TSM, Aileena “Leena” Xu, says “It’s not up to me, no one wants to pick up Dardoch” in the background of the clip.

Out of the Frying Pan


This leak follows Esports journalist, Duncan “Thorin” Shields, exposing potential conflicts of interest in Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng’s move from Liquid back to TSM. This involved Doublelift’s private relationship with Leena setting a precedent for potential poaching of players in professional League. 

Leena partially blamed Doublelift’s Lenovo PC. She commented he used a new setup that did not have “noise gate” enabled. However, Doublelift told her days earlier she could be heard on stream. He also asked if she discussed sensitive information, showing she had full knowledge she could be heard by the viewers.

Leena made a public apology on twitter stating “this mistake is 100% my fault”. This raises questions on her ability to separate her private and professional life. Her deleted Reddit comment also reflects this as she wrote “DL has streamed in the past while I was working”. There should not be a situation were a player is made privy to confidential information that is directed to the President of Esports, regardless if he or she is streaming. 

And into the Fire

Dardoch leak

The leak also has a significant effect on Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett’s ability to negotiate with other teams. It is likely they will refuse to sign him on or offer a sub-optimal contract. This will heavily impact Dardoch’s ability to continue in the LCS. It may even force him out of the professional scene if he fails to secure a contract. 

TSM CEO, Andy “Reginald” Dinh, also released a public statement stating his personal opinions on the situation. He says “Dardoch and I discussed the unfortunate situation, and we both feel better about how things will proceed in the future.” This will undoubtedly not be enough to salvage Dardoch’s current negotiation as this information is now public.   

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