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What Do Polar Bears Eat In Minecraft?

What Do Polar Bears Eat In Minecraft?

Wondering what do the cute and fuzzy Polar Bears eat in Minecraft? Well, as a game that prides itself on the intense realism, albeit in blocky form, Minecraft does showcase the white bears quite well. This can be seen in the overall behavior of this mob of animals as they keep to themselves. But, what about their general appetite? Surely that won’t be different. Find out more in this article!

Minecraft Polar Bears and what they eat

What Do Polar Bears Eat In Minecraft?

Polar Bears eat Raw Fish in the game. So, there comes that realism again. Raw Fish does seem to be the staple diet of these creatures. You will also find that most animals in Minecraft that live near the coast will depend on fish for sustenance.

It is also possible to tame and befriend these Polar Bears in the game. The process for this works similar to taming other animals in Minecraft. All you have to do is find their favorite food and dump large quantities of it in front of them. Pretty simple right?

But, this is where the problem arises regarding what Polar Bears eat in Minecraft. This is because Raw Fish as a resource is pretty hard to catch. You will have to either craft a new Fishing Rod or go dive underwater and kill some fish with your sword. And that is just half of your troubles.

You see, Polar Bears are pretty huge animals. This calls for a voracious appetite that isn’t satisfied that easily. So, be prepared to go fishing for a long time if you want to live out your dreams of being a zoo owner in the game.

How to breed Polar Bears?

Breeding Polar Bears means you will need to tame at least 2 of them. Once you do so, build a big enough enclosure using a fence and lure these animals in. After that, make sure to give them enough Raw Fish and walk away. The animals will get on with it while you go looking for Polar Bear baby cribs.

This is everything that you will need to know about what Polar Bears eat in Minecraft. While you are here, why not have a look at the Difference Between Shaders and Texture Packs in Minecraft.

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