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Where to Find Boar Locations in The Forest

boar locations in the forest

Players have been able to find boar in various locations in The Forest ever since the fifteenth major update on March 17, 2015. Boars are similar to other aggressive animals in The Forest, meaning they will attack and injure players. But they also offer valuable resources if players manage to down them.

Where to Find Boar Spawn Locations

Boar locations on The Forest map.

Boars will only appear in a few locations in the northern region of the map in The Forest. Players can often locate a boar by searching north of the river and into the east portion of the mountain region.

Players who may not be ready to adventure into the mountains can still find boars in the northern forest regions. There are three primary locations players can search. Two are near camps near the center of the map, while the third is further northwest.

How to Hunt a Boar in The Forest

The Forest upgraded spear, katana, axe, common bow, and modern bow

A hit from a boar can deal fifteen points of damage to an unarmored player and can break a piece of armor. While this may not seem like much, boars often spawn in groups of two or three. Players must be well equipped to handle potential attacks when locating boar.

While an attacking group of boars can be a challenge to avoid, players can utilize the moment when the boar flees to attack them. Fleeing boars are slower than the player’s sprint, and if players have an upgraded spear or katana equipped they can down the creature in a single hit.

Players who have not upgraded these weapons can use an axe to deal damage to the boar, however, this will require multiple strikes. In addition, players can choose a ranged approach and use their bow and arrows to take it down safely.

Due to several of the boar spawn locations in The Forest being near enemy camps, using ranged weapons means players can stay hidden.

What Players Recieve After Hunting a Boar

The Forest boar drops two meat, boar skin, and boar head

When defeated, boars will drop two meat and their heads. If players skin a boar they can also receive a boar skin. Boar heads can be turned into a decoration to place in the player’s base. While Boar skin is a required crafting material for the warmsuit, rock bag, and spear bag.

The warmsuit becomes increasingly useful when exploring colder regions, as it prevents cold damage. This also applies to damage from cold water. This is the only armor in The Forest with this benefit and knowing boar spawn locations will help players gather the four boar skins required.

This armor’s only downside is that it does not provide any physical defense like other armor sets.

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Based in the United States, Camisha is a Guides Writer at Gamezo. She is a fan of RPGs and simulation games but also plays a bit of everything. In her spare time, she also streams.