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Deep Rock Galactic: Armour Mods Guide

By: Adam
Armour Mods

If you’re looking to optimise your Deep Rock Galactic Gear setup, you’ve come to the right place! This short Armour mods guide will discuss the options for each tier of armour upgrades and whether or not they’re worth considering in your own mod build or outright skipping.

For those of you wondering what class this how to..? Armour mods guide is intended for, it can be used by all classes. As it turns out, all four types of dwarf use the same upgrades with the only exception being the third upgrade tier, but that is a class-specific upgrade that is a mandatory one-option choice anyway, so there won’t be any inter-class debate there either.

Tier 1

  • Improved Generator – Increased Shield recharge speed
  • Boosted Converter – Shields will recharge at a faster pace, but take longer to start doing so
  • Bigger Mineral Bag – Simply increases your maximum storage of each mineral by 5.

Of these options, choices are more limited than they may appear. Boosted Converter is actually a trap option, as the recharge delay it adds is quite significant and basically disqualifies it as a valid option.

Improved Generator is a solid choice, as it’ll mean shields come up slightly sooner, which can make all the difference in a crisis scenario. Bigger Mineral Bag is in a close-ish second place, as mineral capacity is useful, but not so much that a valuable combat upgrade should be skipped for it. Stick to Bigger Mineral Bag only when you need to return resources as fast as possible, otherwise, always take Improved Generator.

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Tier 2

  • Overcharger – Increases your Maximum Shields by 5.
  • Healthy – Increases your Maximum Health by 20.

Both of these are respectable options, but if you’re interested in min-maxing this choice, it comes down to whether or not you think you’ll lose your shields in full more than 4 times per life. If you do, maybe you get better mileage out of the Overcharger max Shields. If you do not or are otherwise not sure – you should take Healthy for the max health, it is both the safer option (You always get the value) and it also means you can make more use of healing effects such as Red Sugar, or the Vampire perk.

Tier 3

  • Resistance – a 50% resistance to a specific damage type that varies by Class. Mandatory Modificaton.

The damage type you’ll get resistance to from this upgrade will depend on your class. Driller gets Fire damage reduction while Engineer gets poison damage reduction for example. Regardless as to the quality of these upgrades, they are the only option in this tier – and they certainly don’t hurt at least so you may as well pick it up when you can.

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Tier 4

  • Shockwave – Area-of-effect (AoE) Damage when your shields break.
  • Static Discharge – AoE % chance for Stun when your shields break.
  • Breathing Room – An additional 3s of invulnerability when you are revived.

This one comes down to either Shockwave or Static Discharge. Breathing Room sounds great at a glance, – it literally doubles your invuln time on revive after all, right? Sure. Except that in a mission where you perform well, you shouldn’t be going down much, if at all. It could be worthwhile if you develop some kind of strategy with your team coordinating around it, but should be avoided otherwise.

Back to the actual choices, Shockwave is a good choice if you find most of your deaths are smaller enemies. There’s a good chance the AoE damage will just outright kill them, which will mean a much safer revive – while 6s of invuln would buy you some time, killing them all instantly buys you a fair bit more. Static Discharge, by comparison, is better used when your deaths are to larger opponents, or ones that Shockwave wouldn’t outright kill – the chance to stun might buy you enough time to get away from them and shoot from a safe distance.

Your end result should look something like the above. That’s it for this guide, hopefully, you found it useful. Do you disagree with any of these choices? Let me know what you think, below in the comments.

For those hoping to read more about the armour mods in Deep Rock Galactic, you can find the wiki pages for the armour sets of; Engineer, Driller, Scout and Gunner respectively here.

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A simple man trying to make his way in the universe, who has an inexplicable need to clear out all side quests. Also known as a game-boss murder-enthusiast still waiting for his years-in-the-making epic confrontation with Yiazmat.