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Genshin Impact Sucrose: Guide to Gearing & Playstyle


Genshin Impact Sucrose was introduced early on in the first few chapters of the story as a pristine alchemist of Mondstadt.

For those who weren’t able to pull Venti, Sucrose is a very good alternative. She’s perfect support for rounding up massive amounts of mobs and keeping them CC’d so the rest of your team can free hit and do massive damage.

Genshin Impact Sucrose Ascension

Sucrose is one of the easiest to farm, the hardest thing to get for her is Hurricane Seed, which the only aspect that is difficult is the management of resin to gather all of the needed seeds, which running the Anemo Hypostasis will grand you 2-3 every run along with Vayuda Turquoise needed to upgrade her.

The other two materials needed are Whopperflower Nectar, which you get from the killing the Fire and Cryo flowers around the map, and then you need to gather Windwheel Aster, which is found by traversing the grassland of Mondstadt.

Genshin Impact sucrose
Credit: Genshin Impact


As stated above Sucrose has one of the easiest to gear with her main weapon being a Sacrificial Fragments, a very easy 4 star to pull, due to it constantly being in the rotation for banner pulls. There is also a similar weapon that you can craft using the base book material.

Its important to know that you do not have to level the book past 70 for your support characters.

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Genshin Impact Sucrose Artifacts

Only needing to farm one dungon, you need to gather the 4 piece Viridescent Venerer which gives the buff, “Increases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent’s Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s” MiHoYo.

Trying to gather a scaling % Anemo artifact is quite rare, but not necessary to get for her. I would focous on stacking crit and energy recharge so you can constantly be spamming out you abilities and keeping them stun locked.

Genshin Impact sucrose
Credit: Unknown


This character is purely for support, you are going to want to switch her in and out of field, so that you can constantly CC enemies and group them up.

She is decently mobile and and has an amazing amount of crowd control, her basic abilities’ power attack pushes the enemies back, that combo’s with her basic skill ability to knock up enemies works well to stock up for your ultimate which groups up the enemies and keeps them suspended in the air.

Possible Team Comp

She pairs extremely well with the new Xiao, giving the bonus of the cdr due to Ameno buff. That paired with someone who does massive AOE damage like Diluc or Ganyu, all three do extreme damage as well as massive AOE with the addition of CC from Sucrose can make for quick clearing of domains and boss fights.

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Graduate of Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, with a passion for writing and games, and the asperation to work alongside some of the best and influential people in the industry!