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How Many Skins are in League of Legends?


Since its release in 2009, League of Legends has become extremely popular. It has a large community, both through the game itself, and its esports scene. That being said, it’s no surprise that the game earns a lot of money, using one thing many players love: aesthetics. With how long the game has existed, Riot has released many skins through the years. But one might wonder, how many skins are in League of Legends?

How many skins are there in total?

The total number comes up to a whopping 1398 skins. This includes the base designs, prestige editions, legacy ones, and any others that are unavailable. Keep in mind, this is being written just after the second batch of Sentinels, and before the new coven set comes to the rift.

In the past, Miss Fortune had to share the spot of most skins with Alistar. But with Ruined Miss Fortune being hitting the rift, she once again stands alone at the top, with 15 to her name.

Skins come in different tiers, depending on their price. The most expensive of which is the ultimate tier, which gives unique features aside from the skin. For example, the Elementalist Lux skin gives players multiple different aesthetics, depending on what element they choose. Skins like Spirit Guard Udyr have animated splash art in the champion select screen, as well as free summoner icons.

Aside from tiers, skins usually release in sets, with a common theme surrounding all of them. This helps not only give champions a unique visual but can also build the world of Runeterra. One perfect example would be the current skin line, Ruined and Sentinel. The set revolves around the latest event, Ruination, and builds further the lore surrounding the famous MOBA.

Even pro players have their fun with skins, using them for their stage games in their respective tournaments. If you’d like to read about which ones have been used the most in the LEC, click here. That being said, there are some skins that have been banned from pro play. This can be due to a variety of reasons, most of which involve its visuals, and how it may affect pro play.

Skins are a perfect way to support the game you love. It not only gives profit to the developers, but it also brings a whole new look to your favourite champions. So the next time you boot up League of Legends, why not spend a few bucks to treat yourself? Buy a skin for your favourite champion. I assure you, you won’t regret it.

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JL is a passionate League of Legends fan, willing to stay up until ungodly hours to watch its tournaments.