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How To Make Sugar in Minecraft


Minecraft has seen nothing but success over the past couple of years, and with that success came a widespread interest in its many features. Sugar in particular is something that newer players don’t know how to craft, which is why we’ll be going in-depth about how to make sugar in Minecraft.

Sugar in Minecraft is generally used as a food/brewing ingredient. And it doesn’t really see much use outside of other, more complex recipes. This means that you can’t use it to interact with the world around you. Regardless, it still is one of the most important food ingredients in Minecraft as a whole.

How to Craft Sugar in Minecraft

White sugar as we know it can’t be found naturally. The only possible way to get white sugar is to refine certain natural resources, and we’re going to have to do something similar in Minecraft.

The process of crafting sugar can only be done via the crafting table, and it’s basically been that way since Minecraft’s conception. Furthermore, in order to actually start crafting sugar, you’re going to need to place one of these natural resources into any slot of your crafting table:

  • 1x Sugar Cane = 1x Sugar
  • 1x Honey Bottle = 3x Sugar
Sugar Crafting Recipe in Minecraft
Sugar Crafting Recipe in Minecraft

Sugar cane is the most used plant in sugar refining, and it’s been that way for centuries now. It’s also the most straightforward way to create white sugar in Minecraft. Especially when you consider how many sugar cane sticks you can find in the wild. It’s by far the fastest and easiest way to get sugar early on in your playthrough.

Sugar Cane in Minecraft
Sugar Cane in Minecraft

The other resource that lets you craft sugar is honey, and one glass of honey yields three sugar. However, honey can only be extracted from beehives or wild bee nests with glass bottles. The process of finding bee nests and crafting glass bottles may sound easy, but it still takes a lot of time.

Best Way to Grow Sugar Cane

Crafting sugar is easy, but getting the necessary materials is a different story. Now, given how vital sugar is in brewing and cooking recipes, you’ll need to find a way to streamline the process of acquiring sugar cane.

That is exactly why we’ve compiled a list of useful tips and guidelines for anyone looking to create an efficient sugar cane farm. Here’s what you have to keep in mind before you start:

  • Sugar cane can only grow and be placed on dirt or sand blocks
  • Water needs to be next to the blocks that you’ll place your canes of sugar on
  • Sugar cane plants won’t grow in dark spaces, grow them in well-lit areas
  • Harvest/break only the top two rows of fully ripe sugar cane plants to allow them to grow back
Growing Sugar Cane on Sand in Minecraft
Growing Sugar Cane on Sand in Minecraft

Sugar Cane Farming Methods

By far the best way to grow sugar cane is to dig medium-sized trenches, fill them with water and then place sugar cane on the surrounding blocks that touch the water. This may take up a lot of space depending on how long you make the trench.

Sugar Cane Farm in Minecraft - Credit: Minecraft Wiki
Sugar Cane Farm in Minecraft

The simplest way to grow sugar cane is on coastlines. The coastline of an ocean or pond will provide all of the necessary requirements for growth. The only downside to this method is that you will be reliant on a pond/ocean to grow it. All in all, getting started on a sugar cane farm is a choice you won’t regret.

How to Find Honey

As mentioned previously, honey can only be harvested from beehives or bee nests with glass bottles. This means that you’ll either need to find a wild bee nest, or craft your own and wait for bees to fill it with honey. Wild beehives mainly spawn in forests and sunflower plains. And you’re bound to come across some on your travels. Even more so if you’re traveling through an oak or birch forest biome.

Wild Bee Nest in Minecraft
Wild Bee Nest in Minecraft

Farming Bees for Honey

Anyhow, if you’re tired of trying to find wild bee nests, you can always make your own beehive and wait for bees to fill it up with honey. This is what you’ll need to create a beehive in a crafting table:

  • 6x Wood Planks (Any Type)
  • 3x Honeycomb

Three wood planks should go in the three top and bottom crafting grid slots horizontally. Then finish it with three honeycombs in the middle slots. Place your new beehive on a tree and wait for it to fill up with honey. You will know the beehive is full once honey starts dripping from it.

Beehive Crafting Recipe in Minecraft
Beehive Crafting Recipe in Minecraft

Now you know how to make sugar and the best ways to get the resources needed to make a lot of it. Whether it’s meant for making a cake or a potion – sugar will always be a valuable resource in Minecraft. That is if you have a sweet tooth.

Pumpkin pies are a big reason why sugar is so popular, but what are you going to do if you don’t have any pumpkins? Fortunately for you, we have a guide on how to get pumpkin seeds in Minecraft.

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Based in Serbia, Aleksandar is a Guides Writer at Gamezo. He's ecstatic about various video games and wants to present their many qualities properly.