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How to Surrender in Valorant

Valorant agents

Valorant is a team-based tactical first-person shooter game. The game consists of many agents with unique abilities as well. With each match having 10 unique players on the server, not everything goes according to the plan and this might lead to an unpleasant time. While Riot added the ability to surrender in Valorant, knowing which command to use at the right time can come in handy.

Whether there’s an AFK teammate on the base or the opponents have a cheater running wild, sometimes the match can feel like a waste of time. The desire to win should be everpresent and giving up on your teammates should not be an option however there might be matches where the team does not gel at all. 

Then maybe it is time to make peace with the loss and surrender the game. But ONLY if there’s no chance of winning the said match. We have put together a step-by-step guide on how to surrender in Valorant and how to be a better teammate to avoid such scenarios. Follow our steps to increase your solo-queue win rate.

When to Surrender a Match

toxic teammates
Image by C9 Keeoh

Surrendering a match in Valorant should never be the sought-after solution to a toxic or unfavorable match. With the vote to surrender requiring all five in-favor votes, the outcome of the match can change upon small gestures and a polite attitude. But there might be some scenarios where surrendering becomes a viable option. 

  • Feeding – Valorant being a team-based FPS game requires team cohesion and support in order to win rounds. But sometimes a slight disagreement in chat might lead to the teammates intentionally throwing and feeding the enemies. .
  • Smurfs – Smurfing has been a major issue in Valorant along with every competitive game conceivable. If an Immortal smurf is gliding across the map and clicking heads in a silver lobby, it is better to surrender the match and prepare for the next one.
  • Hackers – Valorant has a unique anti-cheat system with the name of Riot Vanguard, ensuring no funny business in the game. But still, with the help of premium hacks, people bypass the Vanguard for quite a while and may wreak havoc in the servers leading to a rather unpleasant experience.

Steps to Surrender in Valorant

patch 1.02 highlights
Image by Riot Games

It is fairly easy to surrender in Valorant with the entire process only requiring three steps. The hard task is getting your team to be on the same page, and agree to surrender the match. The surrender vote requires each player to vote in favor of surrendering or the vote gets canceled and the match will go on as usual.

Also to note is the fact that the surrender vote cannot be called before the 8th round, and the vote is only available once per half. Riot Games added this feature to avoid players from abusing the surrender option. It is best to communicate with the team before starting a surrender vote. Without further ado let’s jump into learning how to surrender in Valorant.

  1. Open the Chat Box

Click Enter on the keyboard and the chat box will come into action on the bottom left side of the game screen. To avoid unnecessary deaths, it’s best to do this after the round ends or during the start of a new round.

  1. Type any of the following commands

Type “/ff”, “/forfeit”, “/concede”, or “/surrender” in the Chat Box.

how to surrender using ff in valorant
Image by Riot Games
  1. Convince the team 

Yes, even the vote for surrender requires a unanimous vote. Each teammate needs to vote YES in order for the match to end.

If the Team Votes YES, then the match comes to an end. With the opposite team winning all the rounds remaining and making their round tally to a total of 13 rounds. 

If the Team Votes NO, then the match will continue as normal. But the option to surrender is not available until the sides switch or the second half begins. The second half begins after 12 rounds are completed. So you might have to wait a bit longer to start another vote to surrender the match.

Alternate Method to Surrender in Valorant

Main menu surrender in valorant

The main menu method to surrender is pretty easy to follow through. This can be done without the need of remembering any commands. Simply open the main menu by pressing the “Esc” key and look for the option “Surrender” under the team scores. Once the button is clicked, the game will trigger voting as discussed above regarding the surrender of the match.

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Freelance Gaming Writer specializing in news and guides for various games. Apart from being passionate about writing and gaming, Kanishka is also a professional actor.