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How to Tame Gacha in ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved How to Tame Gacha

The Gacha is a very interesting creature to tame and use in ARK: Survival Evolved. It is not necessarily the best fighter out there, but it uses a very useful gimmick. It can produce various random rare items that players will surely want. Since ARK: Survival Evolved’s Gacha can be so useful, we decided to show you how to tame it.

How to Knock Out Gacha in ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved How to Tame Gacha Snow Pellet
Gacha feeding on everything it can get

The Gacha is an unusual creature in every way possible. Even its taming process is special, compared to most beasts. However, it is considerably easier to tame ARK’s Gacha than others.

First of all, do not even think of attacking this friendly creature. This will ruin any chance of you taming it. To tame a Gacha, players will have to drop items in front of it that the creature will proceed to instantly eat. It can eat stone, building walls, and even foundations.

The best and easiest way to tame ARK’s Gacha is to tame a Snow Owl beforehand and bring it with you. The Gacha loves Snow Owl Pellets and can be tamed in a matter of seconds if a Snow Owl is present.

To tame the Gacha, just use the Snow Owl’s stamina, make it defecate, and collect it. Afterward, approach the Gacha, drop the Snow Owl Pellets on the ground next to it, and watch the tame meter go up. In a few seconds, the naming pop-up will appear, declaring that the Gacha is yours.

Gacha’s Saddle

The Gacha Saddle is one of the most interesting-looking ones in the game. Players will not mount the Gacha’s back but will be carried by it under its head. To craft the Gacha Saddle, players will first need to reach level 38. Once you get to that level, use 350 Hide, 185 Fiber, and 150 Chitin / Keratin to make it.

Gacha’s Favorite Food for Taming

ARK Survival Evolved Snow Owl Pellet
The main source of nutrients for the Gacha

As specified earlier, Snow Owl Pellets are the cream of the crop when taming a Gacha. However, they are not necessary, and other items may be used as food.

Plant Species Y Traps are another one of its favorite foods, though they may be hard to acquire. Stone or metal structures are also effective in the taming process. Metal ores and stones are good as well, though not as efficient.

The only other food you should give it is berries and meats. If you try experimenting with other items, such as oil, you can damage your taming progress, or even reset it.

And now you know all there is to know about how to tame the Gacha in ARK: Survival Evolved. But there are many more creatures in ARK for you to discover and tame. So here are guides for some of them:

How to Tame Triceratops in ARK: Survival Evolved | ARK Survival Evolved: How to Tame a Compy | 4 Best Stone Gatherers in ARK: Survival Evolved

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Based in London, United Kingdom, Adrian Oprea is a Guides Writer at Gamezo. As a professional single-player RPG player, Adrian has often been stigmatized. He has decided to pour his frustration into writing guides for the people and showing them the way to the truth!