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Apex Legends: Tips and Tricks to Get Better

apex legends tips and tricks to get better and improve

As with any other competitive FPS, the skill ceiling in Apex Legends is huge. Even professional players who play several hours a day still have room to improve. But it can be difficult to figure out what you need to do to take the next step. To help you out we’ve put together these tips and tricks to get better at Apex Legends.

Find Your Sensitivity

The first step to getting good at any FPS is to find a sensitivity that works for you. It doesn’t matter if you are playing on a mouse or a controller this is important. If you aren’t comfortable with your sensitivity then you aren’t going to land shots when it counts most.

Also, don’t keep changing your sensitivity. It’s an awful habit to get into and will make it impossible for you to ever develop the muscle memory required for good aim. For further advice on what sensitivity is the best check out our Apex Legends Sensitivity Guide.

Warm Up Properly

If you only plan to play casual this isn’t such a big deal but warming up is essential for Ranked. The amount of times I see a player queue into Ranked only to miss every shot in their first game and throw RP away is ridiculous. How can you expect to win gunfights when you aren’t warmed up?

There are several methods to warm up effectively. Personally, I like using dedicated third-party software like Aim Lab and completing each drill one or two times. Other players use rhythm games like OSU or have individual drills that can be done in the Firing Range.

Have a Landing Strategy

One of the most useful tips and tricks in Apex Legends is to have a landing strategy. If by the time you are on the jump screen you haven’t already decided where to land then you’ve made a mistake.

Every player should have one or two drop zones that they prefer for each map. It could be a hot drop like Olympus’ Estates or somewhere quieter such as Storm Point’s Cenote Cave. Either way, it’s important to have some preferred drop zones that produce reliable results.

Loot Smarter

It’s just as useful to have an idea of what you want to loot as it is to have an idea of where you want to land. One of the first things a player looking to improve should do is figure out what loot works for them.

Consider the following questions. What guns suit my playstyle? Do I need this item or could a teammate put it to better use? Do I have enough healing items and ammo for the next fight? Organize your inventory and loot items based on these questions rather than randomly picking things up.

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Shield Swap

Whilst we’re on the topic of looting one of the best tips for Apex Legends is learning to shield swap. Shield swapping is where you switch your shield with a finished enemy’s shield.

The advantage of this is that it gives you a fresh shield without having to use up healing items. It’s also a great way of preparing for an unexpected third party as you’ll have the shield health to either win the fight or at least buy time for your team to heal up.

Stick Together

Have you ever played with that one teammate who runs off on their own all the time? Don’t be that guy. Apex Legends is balanced in such a way that having the number advantage over another squad is the single biggest way to increase your chance of winning a fight.

By abandoning your team or running too far away you are putting your squad in an unfavorable position. What if they get attacked by a third party while you are looting far away? You won’t be able to get back in time to help them. It will be your fault that they died and your squad got wiped.

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In battle royale games communication is king and Apex Legends is no exception. If you can gather more information than the other squads and share it with your team there is a good chance you’ll end up winning.

Thankfully, Apex Legends has arguably the best ping system of any battle royale game. Not using a tool this powerful would be a waste so it’s best to ping whenever possible. Be it enemy locations, useful loot, or whatever else is of interest. But don’t overdo it. Constant “Mozambique here” can be very annoying.

Review your Gameplay

The recommendations up to now have been tips to improve your gameplay in Apex Legends whilst or before playing. However, the best way to improve by far is to review your own gameplay after finishing a session. Usually referred to as VoD reviewing, this process involves recording your own gameplay and watching it back.

Whilst watching your gameplay be conscious of any mistakes you make. Keep an eye out for positional errors, missed opportunities, and times when your aim let you down. By identifying areas where you are weaker you can create more specific goals to work toward that will help you improve as a player.

Getting better at any game will take some time. So be patient and take breaks when needed. In the meantime, here are a few more things to research that will improve your game:

Best Apex Legends Keybinds (What Pros Use + Tips) | Apex Legends: How to Cap Your FPS on Steam

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Based in England, United Kingdom, Kurt is a Guides Writer at Gamezo. Kurt enjoys playing a variety of games but his favorite genres are FPS, platformers, JRPGs, racing, and just about anything indie.