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How to Get and Equip Blueprints in Modern Warfare 2


With Modern Warfare 2 blueprints aren’t going away, and you will still be able to buy and customize your weapons just like before. If you are not familiar with blueprints, here’s how to get and equip blueprints in Modern Warfare 2.

Blueprints arent’ just skins. A blueprint is a weapon itself with a set of attachments and visual customization. Which can give you a headstart if there’s a new weapon you wish to use and you don’t want to grind challenges or the Battle Pass.

How to Get Blueprints in Modern Warfare 2

The main source of blueprints is the in-game Store. The Store will get new bundles and individual blueprints as time goes on, but you will need to spend money on COD points.

However, there are a few free blueprints up for grabs now, and there will be more in the future:

  • Complete the Campaign to receive the Union Guard blueprint for M4
  • Get 100 Stars in Spec Ops to receive The Rebel blueprint for Kastov 762
  • Collect 50 pieces of Intel in Spec Ops to receive the Brass Section blueprint for Basilisk
  • Twitch Drops
  • Twitch Prime Loot
  • Free offers in the Store
Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops rewards featuring The Rebel blueprint for Kastov 762
MW2 Spec Ops rewards

Some of the blueprints can be earned by grinding through the game, but you can only get a few blueprints this way. However, Call of Duty is known to give away blueprints through Twitch (including Twitch Drops and Twitch Prime) and give away small bundles in the in-game store.

How to Equip Blueprints in Modern Warfare 2

If you already own a couple of blueprints or you are wondering if you have any at all here’s how to find and equip them.

To find and equip a blueprint in Modern Warfare 2:

  1. Go to the “Weapons” menu
  2. Edit an existing loadout or create a new one
  3. Find a weapon with the “Armory” label and the compass icon (that means you have blueprints available)
  4. Select it and choose from available blueprints
Union Guard blueprint for M4 in Modern Warfare 2
Union Guard blueprint for M4

Equipped blueprint will change the visuals and the attachments on the weapon. You can change those attachments if you have them unlocked. But generally, the blueprints are very comfortable to use and you won’t need any immediate changes.

How to Equip and Use FJX Cinder Weapon Vault

FJX Cinder weapon vault wallpaper
FJX Cinder weapon vault. Image by Activision

A new addition to the weapon customization in Modern Warfare 2 is weapon vaults. The weapon vault is a blueprint for all the guns and attachments on the same platform.

At the moment there’s only one weapon vault available: FJX Cinder for the M4 platform. And you can get it by buying the Vault Edition (or Vault Edition upgrade) of Modern Warfare 2.

Equipping the weapon vault works the same way as the blueprint. Just go to the Gunsmith and select the weapon you want to see available blueprints. What the weapon vault allows you to do is to use it on any M4 attachment that you want.

To do that:

  1. Find the attachment you want to use
  2. Hover your over it and press “R” (On PC) to see available skins for the attachment
  3. Select the one you like the most
Optic with skin options available
An optic with skins available

This way you can mix and match weapon vault skins with stock visuals and static blueprints. And this variety will only grow with new weapon vaults coming out.

Modern Warfare 2 doesn’t stop there with new features. There are a few more for you to explore before jumping into the game:

Modern Warfare 2: How to Tune Weapons | Modern Warfare 2: New Perk System Explained | How to Pull Out Pistol in Modern Warfare 2

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Based in the UK, Edward is a Guides Editor at Gamezo. He's all about esports and gaming and plays a little bit of everything. But his favorite game of all time is Destiny 2.