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How to Use the Receiver in Raft

Raft: How to use the Receiver: off.

Figuring out how to use the Receiver in Raft is a vital part of progressing within the game. The receiver is the sole piece of equipment that will let you access the points of interest (POI) in the game that serve to advance the game’s story that also have valuable blueprints.

Building the Reciever is what really kicks Raft’s gameplay and story off, so it’s vital that you understand how to use it. That’s what this guide is for. We’re going to run you through everything you’ll ever need to know about how to use the Reciever in Raft, so sit up straight and pay attention.

How to Use the Reciever in Raft

Craft the Reciever and 3 Antennas

Raft: how to use the Receiver - Antenna recipe.
Screenshot by Gamezo

Before you can use the Receiver in Raft, you obviously need to craft it. You should already have the recipe for it – you get it from a barrel at the very start of the game. But the Receiver will also need a battery to operate. To craft the Reciever in Raft, you’ll need the following materials:

  • 8 Planks.
  • 6 Plastic.
  • 2 Circuit Boards.
  • 1 Hinge.

On top of all those materials, you’ll also need these resources for three Antennas:

  • 12 Scrap.
  • 3 Circut Boards.
  • 3 Bolts.

The obvious difficulty in building all this comes from five Circuit Boards. A single Circuit Board requires two Copper Ingots, five Plastic, and one Vine Goo to craft, so there are a lot of resources that go into this.

Despite getting the blueprint at the very start of the game, you won’t be able to get all of this together for a good little while. You’ll need to have a Smelter built, and that is what signals your transition from the early-game to the middle-game.

Place the Reciever and Antennas

Raft: How to use the Receiver - Antenna setup.
Screenshot by Gamezo

Once you manage to get all those materials together and craft your Reciever and Antennas, you’ll need to place them. Unlike almost everything else in the game, there are specific rules regarding where your Reciever and Antennas can be placed.

First of all, your Reciever needs to be placed at least one floor above the foundation, or sea, level. It can be more than one floor if you want, but that’s the minimum. So, you’ll need a second story on your raft in order to use it.

On top of that, your three Antennas need to be on the same floor as the Reciever. However, each Antenna needs to be between two and 10 foundation tiles away from the Reciever, and four foundation tiles away from any other Antenna. Given that you need three Antennas on top of the Receiver, you can see why that might be a bit of a problem.

Insert the battery into the Reciever, you’ll be able to turn it on and off at will using your interact button. That’s the basics of how to use the Receiver in Raft. Just make sure you keep it off when you’re not looking at it so that you don’t waste your battery. There are only about eight minutes of charge in them.

Enter Coordinates and Watch the Map

Raft: How to use the Receiver - blue blips.
Screenshot by Gamezo

After powering up your Reciever, the first set of coordinates should automatically be plugged into it. The first coordinates will lead you to the Abandoned Radio Tower.

This will appear on the Reciever’s screen as a blue blip, whereas islands and other points of interest will be green blips with a number underneath it indicating how far away from it you are

One thing to keep in mind after setting up your Reciever is its position relative to your Raft. Whatever direction you place the Reciever is the direction that its screen will be orientated to, not the direction your Raft is going. North on your Reciever’s screen will always be behind the device, and so on.

That’s almost all there is to your Reciever. The only other thing you need to be keeping in mind is how to enter new coordinates. You’ll get new coordinates as you visit each area of interest in the story, starting with the Radio Tower. These extra coordinates are added to your log as tabs that read a four-digit number.

You can change the coordinates on the right-hand side of the Receiver. The buttons will change the number and the lever will allow you to move to the next number. Once you input your coordinates on the Receiver, the point of interest should automatically appear on the radar.

That’s it! You now know everything you’ll ever need to know about how to use the Receiver in Raft! Apart from the Receiver here are a few more must-have items to craft in Raft:

How to Get Vine Goo in Raft | Raft: How to Use the Anchor | How to Get Seaweed in Raft

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Based in Dublin, Ireland, Eoin is a Guides Writer at Gamzo. With an extensive experience in Esports - he brings a tactical and analytical approach to every game he covers.